PublicVariable #0



i got a kick since i added Admin Tools with debug

08.07.2013 12:35:42: [MyName (MyIp) bac99eb8f1acfd2630b2e5c35590a56e - #0 "dayzLogin" = ["5356866",<NULL-object>]

Used the given filters from inkko. Dont work for me =(

Any Tutorial out there how to fix Publicvariable Kicks?

best regards
I like how you blanked out name and ip but left GUID :D

You need to change your publicvariable.txt file
U can do nothing with my GUID so i leave it ;)

I know already that publicvariable.txt.... so u can tell me what i have to change?

hmmm how to explain... go to admintools\AdminToolsMain.sqf just change this

Add all UID's like you did above in this line
Line12 if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["111111","222222","333333","444444","555555"]) then { //all admins

and this

For basic sub admin, Add in their UiD's here. If not then leave it like above ""
Line13 if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["111111"]) then { //mods

Public Variable Restriction only pops out with vehicle spawn ect.. so the mod section dont have it in it...

hope u can understand a bit my english sucks :p

have a nice day