New Member
Created this mostly for show -- not really a practical mod for anything useful because of the hypothermia, spawn-over-water, and parking-on-buildings issues. But it sure does make for some nifty scenery off my servers' southeast coasts. The base is built up with various pier models, everything non-overlapping, various bits fit together like puzzle pieces. It was assembled after figuring out the placement in a mechanical CAD system knowing the local origins of each type of part, moving that data into a convenient mission.biedl file, backing that up, and then building the city in the editor on top of that on a convenient flat expanse. The I deleted the base parts from the city model in the copy, ran both the resulting base and city mission.sqf exports through a parsing/duplicating utility I wrote that moves and rotates scripts to target locations, and adjusted the z locations and added the setPosASL calls. The walls are various House_block models, almost exclusively 3-story and up. A lot of the biggest and most impressive buildings don't show up in the editor, but I was able to add most of those to Jon's Editor Update 1.3 by expanding the c++ code, and those few that still won't work ( Why not? Anyone know? ) I simply dropped in place of placeholder cargo containers....