Question about putting custom loadscreen server side.


New Member
Over at my server, we have implemented a spiffy custom load screen. Due to the fact that we have it load directly from the Mission.pbo, we had to do some considerable image editing wizardry to get the file size down to an acceptable level so our mission file wouldn't be over 800kb. The result being that the image quality leaves a little to be desired.

The question is this; I know that the default DayZ loadscreen is stored in the Dayz_code file and called from the description.txt in your mission file, so is it possible to store a custom loading screen on the server and call it from the description text as well?

I tried plopping it server side and calling it from the description text to no avail, and I don't think it wise to start cracking open the Dayz_code file and replacing files, so is there any special way in which to do this?