Random Loadout for PVP Server


Hey guys i was thinking about this today and im not sure if it can be done from the SQL or from Script type thing but what i was thinking was is there a way to do a random loadout on spwan with a chance to get some good weapons for pvp this is so we dont have to hunt for guns and just to pvp with diffrent stuff . the way i can see this working maybe is like the chopper crash site has a chance system to drop guns this would work well for the random loadout system to place a diffrent on the player. Could this be done and if so i would love to have someone try this out i will put up my server for testing it. im not a code person i understand how it works but im not sure how to run/make it lol

So if a player joins a server it would run a command that will link to the SQL/Hive and give them a random primary gun to use for pvp in game. Im not sure if this has been done and if so can some one link me to it.

limit aka ClownKiller
I have similar script that runs on the server and constantly updates default load-out in the 'instance' table. About every 10 seconds it inserts a new loadout string in to the inventory column and when you spawn you get what was in db at that moment. Took me a while to predefine all the possible load outs. However the script is very basic simply generates random number and pick a load out string from the array, then updates DayZ hive DB.

You can get anything randomly from makarof, hatchet, to AK74 or Mk_48. Life is a bitch sometimes ;-). Although once people figured out they started suiciding to get best gun.
is there any chance i can get this script off you for my server ? i would love to have it mate. Im not a big script person so im not sure how to make them work lol but i kinda understand how they work :)