
New Member
We have built a Bandit camp which includes AI (DZAI the version I have used is 2.2.1 Release Build 20141208).

DZAI can be downloaded - https://github.com/dayzai/DZAI

Many thanks to DZAI Team as the DZAI script is excellent and the camp has made for enjoyable playing.

This is my first attempt at building a camp and releasing it for others to criticise/use,

We have got it running on our server so teams can try to take on the AI, we have approx 200 AI (which can be altered) in and around the camp protecting it that roam into the tree lines. As soon as you get half way through Kamenka the AI spawn and if players try to fly in then they are also attached by RPG's, we did have some of the AI on respawn but decided to change it so they no longer respawn. We have also put a crate in the Base which has gold and a few other items in it, but no guns as we though there would be enough from the dead AI scattered around.

Once again without DZAI (which I have not had any input towards) it would not be possible so many thanks to the DZAI creaters.

If you have any problems with the base please let me know, I am a rookie at this so cannot offer support for DZAI.


Can be dowloaded here - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1walh7ntaaln7gr/AACGw_owbsKcy-OxjGSAOV__a?dl=0