RemoteExec Script Restriction #54 on Chopper Crash


Anyone else seeing people booted when helis crash? It's saving lives and must be stopped.

"RemoteExec Restriction #54"

#54 in the Battleye file is the following:

1 "BIS_Effects" //Kicking not needed anymore, monitoring only.

If it's set to log, why is it still kicking people?
Scratch that... it didn't occur to me the script list counts line 1 as #0... I was off by 1.

This is actually what is kicking them:

5 "BIS_" !="BIS_Effects_AirDestruction" !="BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2" !="BIS_Effects_Burn"

I changed it to log, as well as restriction #37 which is essentially identical, and everything is working.