Replacing debug monitor (playerstats)


Can anyone point me to how to remove the standard debug monitor, epeen, playerstats so I may use the clan's custom monitor? Happy with getting the custom monitor working, but it cycles between our very sexy monitor and the drab default one (blech)
Can anyone point me to how to remove the standard debug monitor, epeen, playerstats so I may use the clan's custom monitor? Happy with getting the custom monitor working, but it cycles between our very sexy monitor and the drab default one (blech)

I'd love to help you, but for some reason we don't even get the debug monitor at all on Oring. If I find anything I'll let you know.
It's simple enough to put in a custom debug, but when I do, it flickers between the custom one and the standard. Any chance I can have a look at your sevrer.pbo to try and find the difference?
I managed to get the default one working. It seems that for some reason Oring doesn't use the standard one that other maps do and I had to bind my key to "UserAction 20" to get it to show up.

Here's my server.pbo though for you in case it'll help.
Ah darn, yeah we're on 1.8. :(
Btw, does the version you're using have any problems with vehicle repairs? As in it doesn't list what parts are needed and when you try to repair things like a wheel which you have, it does the animation but doesn't actually fix it? I know it's something to do with this map but I can't figure it out at all haha.
No problems fixing vehicles, but the tents (storage boxes) don't write to the hive and disappear each reset. This is the repair code from fn_selfActions.sqf;
    //Repairing Vehicles
    if ((dayz_myCursorTarget != cursorTarget) and _isVehicle and !_isMan and _hasToolbox and (damage cursorTarget < 1)) then {
        _vehicle = cursorTarget;
        {dayz_myCursorTarget removeAction _x} forEach s_player_repairActions;s_player_repairActions = [];
        dayz_myCursorTarget = _vehicle;
        _allFixed = true;
        _hitpoints = _vehicle call vehicle_getHitpoints;
            _damage = [_vehicle,_x] call object_getHit;
            _part = "PartGeneric";
            //change "HitPart" to " - Part" rather than complicated string replace
            _cmpt = toArray (_x);
            _cmpt set [0,20];
            _cmpt set [1,toArray ("-") select 0];
            _cmpt set [2,20];
            _cmpt = toString _cmpt;
            if(["Engine",_x,false] call fnc_inString) then {
                _part = "PartEngine";
            if(["HRotor",_x,false] call fnc_inString) then {
                _part = "PartVRotor"; //yes you need PartVRotor to fix HRotor LOL
            if(["Fuel",_x,false] call fnc_inString) then {
                _part = "PartFueltank";
            if(["Wheel",_x,false] call fnc_inString) then {
                _part = "PartWheel";
            if(["Glass",_x,false] call fnc_inString) then {
                _part = "PartGlass";
            // get every damaged part no matter how tiny damage is!
            if (_damage > 0) then {
                _allFixed = false;
                _color = "color='#ffff00'"; //yellow
                if (_damage >= 0.5) then {_color = "color='#ff8800'";}; //orange
                if (_damage >= 0.9) then {_color = "color='#ff0000'";}; //red
                _string = format["<t %2>Repair%1</t>",_cmpt,_color]; //Repair - Part
                _handle = dayz_myCursorTarget addAction [_string, "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\repair.sqf",[_vehicle,_part,_x], 0, false, true, "",""];
                s_player_repairActions set [count s_player_repairActions,_handle];
        } forEach _hitpoints;
        if (_allFixed) then {
            _vehicle setDamage 0;

Hope that helps...
Oh thanks man! That fixed my issue completely. Not sure why but mine was missing half of that haha. Which debug monitor is it you're using by the way? Was going to take a look and see if I could get it working here without the map one sticking it's ugly nose in for you.