[Request] Epoch combat log punishment script


Valued Member!

Does anyone have a combat log punishment script ?
I'm sick of the constant complaints that people combat log, my thoughts are you should fight to the death, not Alt & F4

I did find This but it isn't working on

I'd like something similer that can break a players leg, reduce their blood and make them unconscious for 30 seconds upon next restart.

Optionally maybe remove their loot they tried so hard to keep hold of and TP them to a fixed coordinates, like the prison island on Taviana

Thanks in advance for anyone who can help
epoch already has a notifycation when someone combat logs or looses connection, you could use this to achive what you want, its just a matter of adding in some code ...

you can also put this in your init:
DZE_BackpackGuard = true; //Default = True, deletes backpack contents if logging out or losing connection beside another player if set to true.
but tbh i think this is all a bad idea ... arma is way too bugged to do this propper, think of all the guys that looses everything course they lost connection for a few seconds ... not trying to cover for combatloggers, but considder how many whiners you will have when they die or loose gear on your server from this (wheter it was deserved or not).

just noticed my mistake: obviusly "DZE_BackpackGuard = false;" will do nothing!
(default is true, so if you dont have the line it will also clear backpack)
I agree with Halvhjearne. It would be the same to ban a certain range of IP's because some hacker changes his/her ip and GUID all the time. There will be (if only a few) small group of people who are doing nothing wrong, but get punished anyway. And that will cause you trouble as well.

The only legit way, for me, is to actually see them making a combat log through spectating, and just kill them when they log back in, or simply delete their alive character in the database or something similar.