[Request] Prison


Well-Known Member
Ahhh just saw someone did the entire prison from walking dead. It was pretty damn epic but he didnt share the .sqf with anyone just kind of showed it off.
I have added allot of extra items to my server but a prison is the last thing I want to add. I saw one posted here in map additions but wasnt to my liking.
If someone could "rip" that prison from his server and make it into a .sqf I'd pay you. Or design a nice epic prison that would be great. I just dont have the time or engery to get into the 3D editor to do it.
The prison was show cased on the epoch forum under scripting.
That prison was made up of factory and hospital buildings overlapping each others, so I'd wait for someone to make a proper prison or model one yourself
Oh really. LOL The Trailer he did of the prison looked epic guess he hid all the stuff taht was wrong with it. I might start working on one tonight and just work on it little by little instead of trying to do it in one sitting. Going to design it after Walking Dead or try to at least.
I saw that and actually installed it but its broken for Overwatch. I posted on that forum also.