Ruthless Toothless Chernarus (Expertly Scripted)

Ruthless Toothless Gaming Presents Epoch Chernarus!!

NO Plot Pole Required To Build
Snap Building Enabled
Great Starting Loadout
Hevily modified Map Content (Sectors FNG & B, Scrap yard, All Airfields, and much more)
10+ Barracks spread throughout the map
Auto Refual/Repair/ReArm
Heli Lift (unlocked vehicles only)
Elevator Script (Build your very oen elevator within your base)
MasterKey Script (Make one key for all your vehicles if you desire)
300+ vehicles
DZAI, Including Heli and Vehicle Patrol patrols
WAI Mission System With Edited Loot (Epoch Building Materials)
WAI Paradrops
Self BB
Take Clothes
Always Daytime
Custom Debug
6 HR Restarts​

Upcoming Features
Indestructible Bases

Many More additions to come as our players request them

Server address:
TS address:

Hope to see you in Chernarus!!​
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Indestructible Cinder and Metal is now implemented as well as As50's and M107's.

In addition we have a short night cycle to take advantage of our night ground fog which looks insane.
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