SARGE AI Aiming / difficulty


New Member
Hey all,

a short question. SARGE AI works really fine including the Heli Spawns. But i have only 1 little Problem. I got bigger Bandit Groups like 15 guys, including Snipers, but it is to easy to kill them. 1 Player alone can do it without really trouble.

How can i make them harder to kill, so that it will be really going to a challenge to rape them?

My Current Bandit Settings:

// bandit AI

// Leader
SAR_leader_band_skills = [

["aimingAccuracy",0.75, 0.10], // skilltype, <min value>, <random value added to min>;
["aimingShake", 0.75, 0.10],
["aimingSpeed", 0.80, 0.10],
["spotDistance", 0.90, 0.10],
["spotTime", 0.65, 0.20],
["endurance", 0.70, 0.20],
["courage", 0.60, 0.20],
["reloadSpeed", 0.70, 0.20],
["commanding", 0.90, 0.10],
["general", 0.70, 0.20]

// Rifleman
SAR_soldier_band_skills = [

["aimingAccuracy",0.75, 0.10], // skilltype, <min value>, <random value added to min>;
["aimingShake", 0.75, 0.10],
["aimingSpeed", 0.80, 0.20],
["spotDistance", 0.90, 0.20],
["spotTime", 0.65, 0.20],
["endurance", 0.70, 0.20],
["courage", 0.60, 0.20],
["reloadSpeed", 0.70, 0.20],
["commanding", 0.70, 0.20],
["general", 0.70, 0.20]

// Sniper
SAR_sniper_band_skills = [

["aimingAccuracy",0.70, 0.10], // skilltype, <min value>, <random value added to min>;
["aimingShake", 0.80, 0.10],
["aimingSpeed", 0.75, 0.20],
["spotDistance", 0.70, 0.30],
["spotTime", 0.65, 0.20],
["endurance", 0.70, 0.20],
["courage", 0.70, 0.20],
["reloadSpeed", 0.70, 0.20],
["commanding", 0.70, 0.20],
["general", 0.70, 0.20]

What did i wrong?

Thanks for your help

All is fine in there. What you see is that actually it IS easy to kill AI from a distance. If you get too close (200-300 m), they should be hard to be killed.

Are those players sniping the AI ? or are they in "normal" combat with them ?
