Sarge AI Frequency...


New Member
Could someone give me a good rundown on how to decrease the actual frequency of Sarge AI? I decreased the amounts in the Sarge_config.sqf but I may not be altering things in another file or something that I need to. Any help here appreciated!
I have edited my SAR_config.sqf to this...

    // maximum number of groups / grid
    SAR_max_grps_bandits = 1;
    SAR_max_grps_soldiers = 0;
    SAR_max_grps_survivors = 1;
    // chance for a group to spawn (1-100)
    SAR_chance_bandits = 10;
    SAR_chance_soldiers = 0;
    SAR_chance_survivors = 10;
    // maximum size of group (including Leader)
    SAR_max_grpsize_bandits = 2;
    SAR_max_grpsize_soldiers = 0;
    SAR_max_grpsize_survivors = 3;

And this doesn't seem to affect the amount of groups and/or number of NPCs in the groups that spawn. I am wondering if there is something else I am missing here that isn't allowing these changes to work. ???

The only other thing was that I thought to possibly edit the SAR_cfg_grps_chernarus.sqf file to limit the quantities of spawns into each grid. How do I properly edit this file, do I need to eliminate each "//" in front of the grid areas that I want to function? Like this for example...

// Kamenka, 0 bandit groups, 1 soldier groups, 2 survivor groups - spawn probability ba,so,su - maximum group members ba,so,su
_check = [["max_grps","rnd_grps","max_p_grp"],[[0,1,2],[0,100,100],[0,2,1]],"SAR_area_0_0"] call SAR_AI_mon_upd;
Balota, 1 bandit groups, 0 soldier groups, 2 survivor groups - spawn probability ba,so,su - maximum group members ba,so,su
_check = [["max_grps","rnd_grps","max_p_grp"],[[1,0,2],[80,0,80],[2,0,3]],"SAR_area_1_0"] call SAR_AI_mon_upd;
Cherno, 2 bandit groups, 0 soldier groups, 3 survivor groups - spawn probability ba,so,su - maximum group members ba,so,su
_check = [["max_grps","rnd_grps","max_p_grp"],[[2,0,3],[75,0,75],[4,0,4]],"SAR_area_2_0"] call SAR_AI_mon_upd;
// Prido, 1 bandit groups, 0 soldier groups, 3 survivor groups - spawn probability ba,so,su - maximum group members ba,so,su
_check = [["max_grps","rnd_grps","max_p_grp"],[[1,0,3],[50,0,50],[4,0,2]],"SAR_area_3_0"] call SAR_AI_mon_upd;

I don't care how I decrease the amount and size of the groups, either way is fine. Help here would be greatly appreciated, several players are getting tired of fighting bandit groups every 3 minutes. Thanks!
I can tell you now that if you're running Epoch , I've noticed since updating to this version that Sarge AI has gone mental. I get loads of errors in my report file and this is even before adding any other scripts. Good luck getting this one answered, I'm sure it's just a case of editing the file you mention above, but if it isn't then I'm betting something in Epoch has mucked up the variables.
Well I just turned off dynamic spawn in the SAR_config.sqf and edited the SAR_cfg_grps_chernarus.sqf to see if that works.