Self Bloodbag script problems

deadly fishes

New Member
So, I've been tinkering with the blood bag script ever since some players say it doesnt work for them. We have an in game admin tool and anti hack, but I dont think it has anything to do with that. All the admins including myself have blood bags working 100% where as most players say they dont work for them and a few of them say it does work, but is pretty glitchy.

Does anyone know what it may be? I'll post my pbo:

I removed my loading screen and custom music.

Thanks guys
Add action bloodbag script was always buggy. didnt remove the action right etc etc but idk might be fixed.

All I see that's dumb in your code is that line 29 init.sqf:
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\compiles.sqf"; //Compile custom compiles

is not needed. The compiles.sqf already calls the self actions script in the custom folder. no point calling it twice. It wouldnt cause the bugs your describing though, so I have no idea. Sorry.
Add action bloodbag script was always buggy. didnt remove the action right etc etc but idk might be fixed.

All I see that's dumb in your code is that line 29 init.sqf:
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\compiles.sqf"; //Compile custom compiles

is not needed. The compiles.sqf already calls the self actions script in the custom folder. no point calling it twice. It wouldnt cause the bugs your describing though, so I have no idea. Sorry.

It's a different file, therefore the extra line is needed. The original is designed to call the compile file that already exists. The
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\compiles.sqf"; //Compile custom compiles
is designed to call the compiles from the "custom" folder. Inside this compiles.sqf is the line of text that further calls on the self blood bag actions. Without it, I highly doubt self blood bagging would work
You're all wrong.

Your admins are whitelisted from this


add it to your self actions part of the anti-hack

visit and if you are VIP member, can read all the forum posts that detail how to do it

EDIT: v9 of his code has self blood bag already whitelisted