Send Message to Admins only


Well-Known Member

i'm trying to send a message to administrators or players with a specific name only. So for example you got this message, which is just the same as in Event Spawn Messages:

[nil,nil,rTitleText,"Some Text to be displayed", "PLAIN",10] call RE;

But that Text will be displayed to every player. I wont only certain players be able to see it, for example Administrators. I don't really mind if i have to enter each Administrator name or if it finds the Administrators for himself i'm just trying to figure this out since ages.
You will have to work with a publicvariable serverside and clientside and do a check clientside for UIDs and then display the message, else not... That is quite some work to do, also watch out for BE kicks you need to add that publicvariable to the filters
You will have to work with a publicvariable serverside and clientside and do a check clientside for UIDs and then display the message, else not... That is quite some work to do, also watch out for BE kicks you need to add that publicvariable to the filters

Thanks for this. But the UID changes, whenever the person has a new IP or dies, doesn't it? And BE.. Reminds me of: It is possible to send private Messages via DART to a Player ingame. Is there any source code available for that? I gues that would be better then scripting a public variable which i really don't want to do because of several hackers etc.
with UID i actually meant the chracter id of the player.. i think via BEC you could send a personal message... not really sure though
get invisivle and whisper it in direct chat XD
with UID i actually meant the chracter id of the player.. i think via BEC you could send a personal message... not really sure though
get invisivle and whisper it in direct chat XD

I just had a look at BEC. There's a command "!say" that's just perfect. Now i wantet to try that command ingame but i have no permissions so i asked an admin for help and he tried it and got kicked every time he wants to use it. He's using Side Channel and there are players online. Also BEC is installed, up2date and working fine appart from that.

Any Idea why that could happen? Is there anything special he must do before he can use BEC commands?
Haven't been using it for quite some time but i think there is a place in the configs of BEC where you define an admin with his name and a password, you need to set that up before being able to use the commands