Server Files

How to run server on hive or bliss not by controlpanel.

This serverfiles is so confused I do not know what you need and what is not ...

where is HiveExt.dll?

where is SQL...
Hello,I'm using PwnozOr's private server pack to set a private server,It works fine and nice,but something except.

This server pack has come with default vehicle spawn sql file,and I guess the file is Mysql\sql\full.sql,

and i try to instead with your DB.SQL inside reality-civilian-pack.

But it didn't work,it still spawn with default vehicles.

Hope you can help to fix this problem,thanks.

(Sorry for my English bad,I'm not English user:()
How much longer is the beta test??? I wouldnt want to drive your car with no wheels so i understand about not passing out an unfinished product. Guess was just asking for a ballpark and if there's anything further i can do to help :D
How much longer is the beta test??? I wouldnt want to drive your car with no wheels so i understand about not passing out an unfinished product. Guess was just asking for a ballpark and if there's anything further i can do to help :D
We are currently working on a more dynamic hunger system, reasons NOT to die, and reason NOT to KOS which are actually realistic and good solutions. This will take time though. ETA No clue
is there currently a hosting company that runs civillian??? School has started back and with the new update in the wind i don't think i will be able to continue my subscription for a dedicated server at $70 a month.
Tomorrow :). Working on new weapon textures, finally plowing through everything. The art content is going up