Server Keys Help (OverPoch)


New Member
Hi I recently opened a DayZ OverPoch server and we are getting a pretty strong player base. The only problem I have been seeming to run into is the Keys for verifying signature. People are connecting to my server without having Overwatch enabled like they are supposed to. To fix this I had set it up so that Verify Signatures in the server config is set to "2". Meaning it checks to make sure you have the proper addons and if you don't you cannot connect. I placed both the DayZ Epoch key and the Overwatch key in my "Keys" folder for the server. How ever people are still able to connect without having the proper mods enabled. Any ideas on what the issue could be. It s a Napf map so it is in DayZ Epoch by default without the need for the extra key. This also seems to be happening on my OverPoch Chernarus server.

Here is my Config.cfg for the Chernarus Server:

hostName = "Hostname Stuff";
password = "";
passwordAdmin = "######";
maxPlayers = 60;
logFile = "server_log.txt";
voteThreshold = 2;
voteMissionPlayers = 65;
reportingIP = "";
timeStampFormat = "short";
motd[] = {"Motd"};
motdInterval = 0;
vonCodecQuality = 11;
disableVoN = 0;
kickduplicate = 1;
verifySignatures = 2;
persistent = 1;
BattlEye = 1;
doubleIdDetected = "";
onUserConnected = "";
onUserDisconnected = "";
onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)";
onHackedData =     "kick (_this select 0)";
onDifferentData = "";
regularCheck = "";
requiredBuild = 103718;

class Missions
    class Mission1
        template = "DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus";


And my Napf Server:

hostName = "Hostname Stuff";
password = "";
passwordAdmin = "#######";
maxPlayers = 60;
logFile = "server_log.txt";
voteThreshold = 2;
voteMissionPlayers = 65;
reportingIP = "";
timeStampFormat = "short";
motd[] = {"I'm a Motd""};
motdInterval = 0;
vonCodecQuality = 11;
disableVoN = 0;
kickduplicate = 1;
verifySignatures = 2;
persistent = 1;
BattlEye = 1;
doubleIdDetected = "";
onUserConnected = "";
onUserDisconnected = "";
onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)";
onHackedData =     "kick (_this select 0)";
onDifferentData = "";
regularCheck = "";
requiredBuild = 103718;

class Missions
    class Mission1
        template = "DayZ_Epoch_24.Napf";

***I removed details about the server so it wouldn't seem like I'm advertising such as the Hostname and Motd***

Any help is appreciated!