Server Lobby Timeout

The Timeout is the server preparing the world for players to actually join it. Spawning new vehicles, placing objects located in the database, spawning it custom made buildings and such.

There is no way to get rid of it as it is a vital server process.
Thanks for reply, but I dont mean the time it takes to join the game. I mean the time, which when its over you automatic join. Example: i can stay 90 seconds in the lobby, after that, it will automatically connect. I wish to stay in lobby as long as i want.
If your using BEC then look in the config file:

# Kick people who are idleing in the lobby, kick will happen after given time, Min time is 90 sec. use 0 to disable this function.
KickLobbyIdlers    = 0
Thanks for reply.
Im not using Bec anymore, dunno why. When I was using Bec, this option i had setted up like you said (kicklobbyidlers=0).
But it doesnt was working. Now without Bec this option is found at server.cfg but doesnt works too... :(