
Audio Rejectz

Well-Known Member
Anyone using this at the moment? I've been having a play with it the last hour but cant seem to get it to work. Even my RPT looks as if it's working

16:22:08 "HIVE: Local Time set to [2013,1,24,12,0]"
16:22:08 "DEBUG FPS  : 5.12328"
16:22:08 "CRASHSPAWNER: Starting spawn logic for Crash Spawner"
16:22:08 "CRASHSPAWNER: 75% chance to spawn '' with loot table 'Military' at 3611"

Do the crashes not all spawn on server start with this?
that looks like the crash sites from 1.7.5 , if it is that code then no they don't all spawn at server restart and its not a 100% chance for the crash to spawn as you can see it's stating a 75% chance to spawn the heli at that position with the loot military.
Thanks cortez..Yeah it is the crash sites from 1.7.5, I left it a short while and the rpt showed this

17:22:58 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning '' with loot table 'Military' NOW! (3616.13) at: [5794.84,10626.2]"
17:22:58 Cannot create non-ai vehicle UH60Wreck_DZ,
17:22:58 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '' with loot table 'Military'"
17:22:58 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '' with loot table 'Military'"
17:22:58 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '' with loot table 'Military'"
17:22:58 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '' with loot table 'Military'"
17:22:58 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '' with loot table 'Military'"
17:22:58 "CRASHSPAWNER: 75% chance to spawn '' with loot table 'MilitarySpecial' at 7246.13"

Noticed is states cannot create non-ai vehicle UH60Wreck_DZ , any ideas on how to fix this?
Killzone kid pointed out UH60Wreck_DZ is banned, so i changed it to UH1Wreck_DZ. Dont seem to be getting errors now. ill test it out
Look at the spawnvehicle.sqf code from wastelands it has a bit of code that spawns a marker for each vehicle it spawns. you can attach it to this.
Look at the spawnvehicle.sqf code from wastelands it has a bit of code that spawns a marker for each vehicle it spawns. you can attach it to this.

I shouldn't need to i dont think, its something im missing. The new heli crash spawn has mark position in it

// Percentage roll
    if (_spawnRoll <= _spawnChance) then {
        _position = [getMarkerPos _spawnMarker,0,_spawnRadius,10,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
        diag_log(format["CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning '%1' with loot table '%2' NOW! (%3) at: %4", _crashName, _lootTable, time, str(_position)]);
        _crash = createVehicle [_crashModel,_position, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
        // Randomize the direction the wreck is facing
        _crash setDir round(random 360);
        // Using "custom" wrecks (using the destruction model of a vehicle vs. a prepared wreck model) will result
        // in the model spawning halfway in the ground.  To combat this, an OPTIONAL configuration can be tied to
        // the CfgVehicles class you've created for the custom wreck to define how high above the ground it should
        // spawn.  This is optional.
        _config = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _crashModel >> "heightAdjustment";
        _hasAdjustment =  isNumber(_config);
        _newHeight = 0;
        if (_hasAdjustment) then {
            _newHeight = getNumber(_config);
            //diag_log(format["DIAG: ADJUSTMENT FOUND FOR %1, IT IS: %2", _crashName, _newHeight]);