Shadow Company Elite

The Fuzz

Server Name: Shadow Company Elite [Regular][GMT+12]
Loc: LA (USA) Diff: Regular TZ: GMT+12 3DP: ON CH: Off NP:OFF DM: ON
MAP: Chernarus

Contact: SCE_The Fuzz ( The Fuzz)

*Note* We have auto refuel, repair/strip parts, ps Scanner, Full moon nights with 24/7 day on weekends along with extra buildings in all coastal towns and Air bases. We have NPC players when low server serve load ( less than 20 players) stop in and have a good time. Also we have 200 Cars with 8 Choppers and weekend events with gear giveaways! New players are always welcome and will be helped.

We are actively looking for clans and individual players to help populate our server and have clan wars with us!
Current clans that actively hold areas on the server and play style
SCE - The Hoarders & Hero’s
SCM- The bandits

ANS - The bandits