Shopping Carts?


New Member
Dunno if its possible but could shopping carts be added to the game? Like tents but mobile, it would give the game The Road feel :D
Yeah, I absolutely love this idea. But realistically it might be a bit more work then it seems, but I will lodge it as a feature request all the same as its a great idea.

Keep it coming and thanks so much for taking an interest.
just the sight alone of someone wandering down a road pushing a shopping cart filled with beans, or you load your half dead friend into the cart and push him to the nearest hospital for a blood transfusion would increase the atmosphere of the game I think :D
Had a look at nice last night and its not to promising so far.

There is no object as such, they place both a cow and a cart down in the mission editor as two positions that make them appear as one item. From the player can direct both objects to waypoints. This also means no persistence (can't be saved) and no inventory.

What I will do though is consider trying to model something like this, but the only thing then is the cow AI will be lost), which is where I am stuck. The current scripts are really nice as the cow wanders off to grave if you don't keep an eye out for it.

I will keep juggling ideas and see what can be done.