Hey mate, all good re. the move to the archive. The public client files were out so early so we could really test the system. We are still in early beta, so as you can imagine the public server files ain't quite ready!
Can you help me with the Siren sound?
I got multiple "class Vehicles" in my mission.sqm? So where do i add the code, and for the position do i need to get it through the editor or could i just get it through the database, for example 23.476,8137.89,0.002. Thanks
Might it be possible for me to get a hold of the Mozzie model? I'd love to see if I can come up with a cargo animation for the passenger so that they don't disappear, but, rather, have them squatting/kneeling on the rail and holding on. I wasn't sure if I needed to contact you or CSJ to do this.
Hey Shin, I have a problem re-spawning damaged vehicles on my server using the stapos lite server package. On my test server the repopulate right up to 34. But on my main server they don't come back at all. I'vechecked the settings in navicat between both servers in the run functions area. with no luck. Any suggestions?
Hey Shinkickers, there was a hacker on your server earlier, we all got locked they were using god mode and what not. Last location was top floor firestation near the powerhouse in electro. Really annoying because we put at least 15 rounds into him and he still killed us.
Hey man, me and two of my friend were playing on your dayz 2017 server, we were heading north then all three of us got banned, we got a friend to log on and see why; they said just to contact you on here and you might be able to help us. Thanks in advanced, oh and the three character names were Nancy, MrSombodies, and Rage.
my friends and i were on the 2017 server earlier today and were having a lot of fun. after a successful looting of elektro we were making our way north and suddenly got banned along with everyone except 5 people in the server, they were all admin bans. i would really like to continue to play on the server if possible. Thanks...my name in game is nancy just in case you need that
Hey, I got banned from your server today for no reason, can you please help? It was my first time playing 2017, and I found a residential spawn, saw a compass, and about a second after I picked it up it banned me. Doesn't say why, just the date of the ban.
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