Spawning in air with parachute


I dont have a test server and cant really test this live so tell me what u guys think. In the mission.sqm there are 7 class markers for what appear to be the spwns. If i change the altitude on these and then use the db to enter a parachute into starting loadout, will I spwn parachuting down to chern?
Thats a rather good question, but i think that parachutes are only activated when ejected from flying vehicles, sadly. Im not sure if adding it to the custom loadout will work, but heck, only one way to find out?
I would realy like to know if this works. working on making a RPG server were u left over from a crashed plane of the 135th air-borne.
That idea won't work. However, there is a working solution which involves you being dropped from a very high altitude and having to pull your own parachute.

You MIGHT be able to script something in that after you initialize it counts to 10 and then pulls your shoot or something..