Spawning to Specific Location; based upon UID/Name


Well-Known Member
I've been poking around the concept of trying to get players on one of our particular servers to spawn back at their bases; either through assigning their UID or just their name, since we require people that play on this server to play with a [tag] in front of their name.

I think I've noted where the random spawn locations are setup in the mission.sqm file; however I am certainly no guru when it comes to writing a script/SQL interaction.

So the end goal; is that when someone dies they get placed to a specific world space (reality DB) after checking their tag or UID.

I've seen a few threads here and there about using SQL Triggers; but then it sounded like that would happen every single time they logged into the game? (We only want it upon death of course) I think I'm heading in the right direction about placing down/getting new 'markers' to use for the spawn locations... but then it's completely out of my league when it comes to checking the player UID/Name and picking one or the other; depending upon the name/UID.

Any existing threads/pointers/discussions going on in that regard?

Thanks all.
Thanks for the info! I'll be giving this a shot tonight and if I run into any issues I'll check back.
The issue with that is in the init section. You have to change it to this
//##UID Based Custom Spawn Locations##
p2_newspawn = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Fixes\newspawn.sqf";
waitUntil {!isNil ("PVDZ_plr_LoginRecord")};
if (dayzPlayerLogin2 select 2) then
    player spawn p2_newspawn;
i've made the change as matt l suggested however still spawn on the coast. followed the install instructions completely. running dayz and dayzcc
Worked perfectly for us - Thank you so much for the point in the right direction and to Matt L for the updated text/code!

The map we have it working on is a @DayZLingorSkaro 2.3.1 version. This is the one Skaro did prior to @HuntingGrounds (or maybe used as a base)

It does have/run of (at least per its loadscreen)
hey all im happy to post up my init/sqf/player files for review if someone can spare some time to check where im going wrong here.