Static Spawn Problems


Well-Known Member
Hi Sarge,

If I do a fresh install it works perfectly. As soon as I mess with it it goes nuts, lol. My problem is that I am trying to create a survivor camp on Skalisty Island next to the lighthouse. I have set dynamic spawn to false. I added in my grid position and other values. When I start the server I get this:
"SAR_AI: Area & Trigger definition Started"
15:19:21 "Setting up SAR_AI for : chernarus"
15:19:21 "SAR_AI: Area & Trigger definition finalized"
15:19:21 "SAR_AI: Static Spawning for Helicopter patrols started"
15:19:22 Warning: z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\compass.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 863, 853, 852
15:19:23 "SAR_AI: Static Spawning for Helicopter patrols finished"
15:19:23 Error in expression <ndom, [(_rndpos select 0) - 30, _rndpos select 1, 0], [], 0.5, "FORM"];
15:19:23 Error position: <select 1, 0], [], 0.5, "FORM"];
15:19:23 Error Zero divisor
15:19:23 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\addons\SARGE\SAR_setup_AI_patrol.sqf, line 142
This is my grid position:
// SAR DEBUG AREA - at Skaly
_this = createMarker ["SAR_marker_DEBUG_Skaly_wide", [2746.7, 13361.5]];
_this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
_this setMarkeralpha 1;
_this setMarkerType "Flag";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [100, 100];
SAR_marker_DEBUG_Skaly = _this;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// End of area marker definition section
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diag_log format["SAR_AI: Area & Trigger definition finalized"];
diag_log format["SAR_AI: Static Spawning for Helicopter patrols started"];
// Static, predefined heli patrol areas with configurable units
// Parameters used:
//                  Areaname
//                  1,2,3 = soldier, survivors, bandits
//                  respawn
//                  true or false
//Heli Patrol NWAF
[SAR_marker_helipatrol_nwaf,1,true] call SAR_AI_heli;
//Heli Patrol NEAF
[SAR_marker_helipatrol_neaf,1,true] call SAR_AI_heli;
// Heli patrol south coast
//[SAR_marker_helipatrol_southcoast,1,true] call SAR_AI_heli;
[SAR_marker_helipatrol_southcoast,1,true] call SAR_AI_heli;
// heli patrol east coast
//[SAR_marker_helipatrol_eastcoast,1,true] call SAR_AI_heli;
[SAR_marker_helipatrol_eastcoast,1,true] call SAR_AI_heli;
diag_log format["SAR_AI: Static Spawning for Helicopter patrols finished"];
// Static, predefined infantry patrols in defined areas with configurable units
// Example: [SAR_marker_DEBUG,1,0,1,"",true] call SAR_AI;
// SAR_marker_DEBUG = areaname (must have been defined further up, and MUST NOT BE similar to SAR_area_ ! THIS IS IMPORTANT!
// 1 = type of group (1 = soldiers, 2 = survivors, 3 = bandits)
// 0 = amount of snipers in the group
// 1 = amount of rifleman in the group
// "" = action, possible values: "noupsmon","fortify","ambush","patrol"
// true = respawning group, true or false
// Example entries:
// SARGE DEBUG - Debug group
// military, 0 snipers, 1 riflemen, patrol
//[SAR_marker_DEBUG,1,0,1,"fortify",true] call SAR_AI;
//[SAR_marker_DEBUG1,1,0,2,"patrol",false] call SAR_AI;
//[SAR_marker_DEBUG1,2,0,2,"patrol",false] call SAR_AI;
// add here if needed
[SAR_marker_DEBUG_Skaly_wide,2,1,9,"patrol",true] call SAR_AI;
// ---- end of configuration area ----
diag_log format["SAR_AI: Static Spawning for infantry and heli patrols finished"];
Any ideas?
// SAR DEBUG AREA - at Skaly
_this = createMarker ["SAR_marker_DEBUG_Skaly_wide", [2746.7, 13361.5]];
_this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
_this setMarkeralpha 1;
_this setMarkerType "Flag";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [100, 100];
SAR_marker_DEBUG_Skaly_wide = _this;
// SAR DEBUG AREA - at Skaly
_this = createMarker ["SAR_marker_DEBUG_Skaly_wide", [2746.7, 13361.5]];
_this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
_this setMarkeralpha 1;
_this setMarkerType "Flag";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [100, 100];
SAR_marker_DEBUG_Skaly_wide = _this;

That cleared up the error, thank you. Unfortunately no AI patrol spawns