Static Spawns AI not spawning

Drew Reid

My static spawns are not working,
my dynamics are working perfect.

running a normal default setup, dynamic works fine.

Map: Taviana

added the following into

// Prison Island Front
_this = createMarker ["SAR_marker_patrol_prison1", [11904.4,20988.8]];
_this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
_this setMarkeralpha 1;
_this setMarkerType "Flag";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [50, 50];
SAR_marker_patrol_prison1 = _this;

// Prison Island Back
_this = createMarker ["SAR_marker_patrol_prison2", [11904.5,21135.3]];
_this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
_this setMarkeralpha 1;
_this setMarkerType "Flag";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [50, 50];
SAR_marker_patrol_prison2 = _this;


[SAR_marker_patrol_prison1,10,0,0,"patrol",true] call SAR_AI;
[SAR_marker_patrol_prison2,10,0,0,"patrol",true] call SAR_AI;

my SAR_config.sqf

// -----------------------------------------------
// enable or disable dynamic grid spawning
// -----------------------------------------------
SAR_dynamic_spawning = true;

// -----------------------------------------------
// default values for dynamic grid spawning
// -----------------------------------------------

// maximum number of groups / grid
SAR_max_grps_bandits = 25;
SAR_max_grps_soldiers = 25;
SAR_max_grps_survivors = 25;

// chance for a group to spawn (1-100)
SAR_chance_bandits = 100;
SAR_chance_soldiers = 100;
SAR_chance_survivors = 100;

// maximum size of group (including Leader)
SAR_max_grpsize_bandits = 20;
SAR_max_grpsize_soldiers = 20;
SAR_max_grpsize_survivors = 20;

// -----------------------------------------------
// run fix for the issue that bandits cant travel in a vehicle with survivors EXPERIMENTAL, might not work 100% DO NOT ENABLE for the time being
// -----------------------------------------------

// -----------------------------------------------
// modify AI behaviour
// -----------------------------------------------

// disable UPSMON AI behaviour - this means there will be no evasive/flanking, AI WILL follow players around the map outside of grids etc. EXPERIMENTAL
SAR_AI_disable_UPSMON_AI = false;

// enable / disable AI stealing vehicles - if you enable this, be sure to check KRON_UPS_searchVehicledist value below

// -----------------------------------------------
// Humanity values
// -----------------------------------------------

// Humanity Value that gets substracted for a survivor or soldier AI kill
SAR_surv_kill_value = 0;

// Humanity Value that gets ADDED for a bandit AI kill
SAR_band_kill_value = 200;

// the humanity value below which a player will be considered hostile

// -----------------------------------------------
// Track and show AI kills in the debug monitor of the player
// -----------------------------------------------

// Log AI kills
SAR_log_AI_kills = true;

// -----------------------------------------------
// Special health values for specific units
// -----------------------------------------------

// values: 0.1 - 1, 1 = no change, 0.5 = damage taken reduced by 50%, 0.1 = damage taken reduced by 90% - EXPERIMENTAL
SAR_leader_health_factor = 0.8;

// -----------------------------------------------
// respawning of groups & vehicles that are dynamically spawned in the grid system
// -----------------------------------------------
SAR_dynamic_group_respawn = false;

// time after which AI are respawned if configured
SAR_respawn_waittime = 30; // default 30 seconds

// -----------------------------------------------
// Timeout values
// -----------------------------------------------

// time after which units and groups despawn after players have left the area
SAR_DESPAWN_TIMEOUT = 300; // 5 minutes

// time after which dead AI bodies are deleted
SAR_DELETE_TIMEOUT = 120; // 2 minutes

// -----------------------------------------------
// System performance
// -----------------------------------------------

// the max range within AI is detecting Zombies and player bandits and makes them hostile - the bigger this value, the more CPU needed

// the interval in seconds that an AI scans for new hostiles. The lower this value, the more accurate, but your server will see an impact. Recommended value: 15

// -----------------------------------------------
// Debug
// -----------------------------------------------

// Show AI hits and kills by players

// Shows extra debug info in .rpt
SAR_DEBUG = true;

// careful with setting this, this shows a LOT, including the grid properties and definitions for every spawn and despawn event

// SET THIS TO 0 to hide the group markers on the map
//1=Enable or 0=disable debug. In debug could see a mark positioning de leader and another mark of the destination of movement, very useful for editing mission
KRON_UPS_Debug = 1;

reports to come soon
your call for SAR_AI is wrong. check the parameters. the first numerical one is the grouptype, not the amount.
Ah! Right, thanks heaps. I have applied numbers similar to how I would on dynamic spawns,

thanks Sarge!

edit: Actually, Im confused

// Static, predefined heli patrol areas with configurable units
// Parameters used:
// Areaname
// 1,2,3 = soldier, survivors, bandits

// Prison Island Back
[SAR_marker_patrol_prison2,10,0,0,"patrol",true] call SAR_AI;
// Prison Island Back
[SAR_marker_patrol_prison2,10,0,0,"patrol",true] call SAR_AI;

10 soldiers
0 survivors
0 bandits
by looking at the Heli Patrol one built in should it be

// Prison Island Back
[SAR_marker_patrol_prison2,1,100,10,"patrol",true] call SAR_AI;

1, = group #1 = soldier
100, = change 100% chance of spawning
10, the amount of AI? 10 AI

appreciate your help
// Static, predefined infantry patrols in defined areas with configurable units
//      format: [areamarker,type_of_group,number_of_snipers,number_of_riflemen,action_to_do,(respawn),(respawntime)] call SAR_AI;
//      areamarker          : Name of an area, as defined in your area definitions (MUST NOT BE similar to SAR_area_ ! THIS IS IMPORTANT!)
//      type_of_group      : 1 = military, 2 = survivors, 3 = bandits
//      number_of_snipers  : amount of snipers in the group
//      number_of_riflemen  : amount of riflemen in the group
//      action_to_do        : groupaction (optional, default is "patrol")
//                            possible values:
//                              "fortify" -> the group will search for nearby buildings and move in them. They will stay there until an enemy spotted, then they will chase him.
//                              "ambush"  -> the group will look for a nearby road, and setup an ambush. They will not move until an enemy was spotted.
//                              "patrol"  -> the group will patrol random waypoints in the area, and engage any enemy they see.
//      respawn        : true or false (optional)
//      respawntime    : time in secs until group respawns (optional)
//      Examples:
//              A) military group patrolling, with 1 leader and 1 rifleman, respawning, respawn time = default configured time 
//                      [SAR_marker_DEBUG,1,0,1,"patrol",true] call SAR_AI;
//              B) bandit group patrolling, with 1 leader, 2 snipers and 1 rifleman, respawning, respawn time = 30 seconds 
//                      [SAR_marker_DEBUG,3,2,1,"patrol",true,30] call SAR_AI;
//              C) survivor group fortifying, with 1 leader, 1 sniper and 3 riflemen, not respawning
//                      [SAR_marker_DEBUG,2,1,3,"fortify",false] call SAR_AI;