Storage box Help


New Member
Hello all,
Well I managed to get a storage box spawned by adding the box to my safe objects. Now my issue is with items writing to the database that are put into the box.

Let me give you a bit of history here.
I had this working on then I had some issues with DDOS attacks on another hosting company. after trying a few company's I finially settled on HFB servers ( Which I love by the way)
with all that said. My current server is running DAYZ 1.8 Cheneraus MAP and I have a custom antihack for my admin tools.
What I really need here is to be able to have any object that is put into the box to be saved thru server restarts.

I know this subject has been discussed quite a bit in regards to DAYZ but none of the fixes I has found will work for 1.8 is there anyone that can assist me here?