[Support] Soul's Ignite tents

that is completely normal as i said this script whas for dayz 1.7.7 +
they changed alot of variables and your still on an older version
wich uses different variables to publish a delete action on the database.

Now if you want me to fix this to work on dayz 1.7.6 get me a copy of your player_packTent.sqf
file wich you find under dayz_code\compiles

Thank you Soul.

My player_packTent.sqf: Download


player_packTent.sqf code here:

[_obj] spawn player_packTent;
_obj = _this;
_ownerID    = _obj getVariable["CharacterID","0"];
_objectID    = _obj getVariable["ObjectID","0"];
_objectUID    = _obj getVariable["ObjectUID","0"];
player playActionNow "Medic";
player removeAction s_player_packtent;
s_player_packtent = -1;
if(_ownerID == dayz_characterID) then {
    _alreadyPacking = _obj getVariable["packing",0];
    if (_alreadyPacking == 1) exitWith {cutText [format[(localize "str_player_beingpacked")] , "PLAIN DOWN"]};
    _obj setVariable["packing",1];
    _dir = direction _obj;
    _pos = getposATL _obj;
    _sfx = "tentpack";
    [player,_sfx,0,false,_dis] call dayz_zombieSpeak; 
    [player,_dis,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
    sleep 3;
    //place tent (local)
    _bag = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder_ItemTent",_pos,[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _bag setdir _dir;
    player reveal _bag;
    _holder = "WeaponHolder" createVehicle _pos;
    _weapons =    getWeaponCargo _obj;
    _magazines =    getMagazineCargo _obj;
    _backpacks =    getBackpackCargo _obj;
    //["dayzDeleteObj",[_objectID,_objectUID]] call callRpcProcedure;   
    dayzDeleteObj = [_objectID,_objectUID];
    publicVariable "dayzDeleteObj";
    if (isServer) then {
        dayzDeleteObj call server_deleteObj;
    deleteVehicle _obj;
    //Add weapons
    _objWpnTypes =    _weapons select 0;
    _objWpnQty =    _weapons select 1;
    _countr = 0;
        _holder addweaponcargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];
        _countr = _countr + 1;
    } forEach _objWpnTypes;
    //Add Magazines
    _objWpnTypes = _magazines select 0;
    _objWpnQty = _magazines select 1;
    _countr = 0;
        _holder addmagazinecargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];
        _countr = _countr + 1;
    } forEach _objWpnTypes;
    //Add Backpacks
    _objWpnTypes = _backpacks select 0;
    _objWpnQty = _backpacks select 1;
    _countr = 0;
        _holder addbackpackcargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];
        _countr = _countr + 1;
    } forEach _objWpnTypes;
    cutText [localize "str_success_tent_pack", "PLAIN DOWN"];
} else {
    cutText [localize "str_fail_tent_pack", "PLAIN DOWN"];
//Deleting from database. Function found in player_packTent.sqf
    PVDZ_obj_Delete = [_objectID,_objectUID];
    publicVariableServer "PVDZ_obj_Delete";
    if (isServer) then {
        PVDZ_obj_Delete call server_deleteObj;
Replace with:
//Deleting from database. Function found in player_packTent.sqf   
    dayzDeleteObj = [_objectID,_objectUID];
    publicVariable "dayzDeleteObj";
    if (isServer) then {
        dayzDeleteObj call server_deleteObj;

your post wrong ?

me have already this code in player_packTent.sqf

//Deleting from database. Function found in player_packTent.sqf 
    dayzDeleteObj = [_objectID,_objectUID];
    publicVariable "dayzDeleteObj";
    if (isServer) then {
        dayzDeleteObj call server_deleteObj;
Im using this on my epoch server and it works well apart from i get no fire. it just smokes. it still deletes it etc after so i can live with out fire if need be.

Can i request you make another script that should be almost the same as this one.... Torch vehicle.

Basically you need toilet paper and matches and then you can set fire to a car and after a few seconds it blows up etc
i was earlier working on a script that allows players to set almost anything on fire... but i'm stuck on broadcasting that serverside to players loging in after the objects got set on fire...
with something like burning vehicles would this be needed as it would only be seconds after lighting that the vehicle would explode destroying it anyhow.

If you dont mind soul, can i pm you and ask you a question about a different script that you didnt wright but might be able to help me.
shure go ahead mathew
however i cant make any promise atm cause we at uk431 are very bussy.
Am I adding the fn_self Actions.sqf straight into my dayz_mission.pbo where my init.sqf/description.ext/mission.sqm are? Or am I adding the fn_self Actions.sqf into my script folder? Do I not need to have some sort of [] execVM code to make this run?

Also, will this work on my 1.8 server w/o any further modification?
I ended up placing the fn_self Actions.sqf into my 'scripts' folder in my PBO and then adding an []execVM line in my init.sqf. No-Go. No option to burn down tents.
I am only on my 2nd week of learning dayZ code, and while I have some coding experience, I have never worked with the ARMA system before. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Here is a link to my Dropbox PBO file.

yes the 1.7.7 version is compativle with 1.8

Make a folder called fixes on your mission root directory
grab the compiles.sqf and fn_selfActions.sqf from dayz_code and put them in
that fixes folder then in your init.sqf file overwrite their location to read from the
fixes folder and then in comiles.sqf overwrite the location for fn_selfActions.sqf
Thanks for the info Soul.

[x] Check. I went back and changed around my code so it points tot he correct files in my root directory/sub folders. Now I can actually see an option to 'Ignite Tent' when my server is live, however, nothing happens. :(
I seem to remember someone else having similar troubles ... I'll have to search it out and see if I can find the post. Maybe I did something wrong in my actual burn function coding ???

Here is my Pbo if you have a minute to look.
this is your tent_ignite
// Function file for Armed Assault
// Created by: TODO: Author Name
if(_timeLeft == 0 || _timeLeft < 0) then {
    _ent setDamage 2;
    //Deleting from database. Function found in player_packTent.sqf
    PVDZ_obj_Delete = [_objectID,_objectUID];
    publicVariableServer "PVDZ_obj_Delete";
    if (isServer) then {
        PVDZ_obj_Delete call server_deleteObj;
    deleteVehicle _ent;
How to use: PVDZ_obj_Fire = [_ent,5,time,false,true];
> handle=[unit,intensity,time,lifecheck,fade] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn
> unit: the name of the object that the fire will be attached to
> intensity: the intensity of the fire. Recommended to use values between
> 0.7 and 10, higher values may be used if desired though.
> time: the time that the fire started. use global variable "time". this is used to keep effects synced for JIP players
> lifecheck: if this is true then the unit will only burn as long as it is dead (!alive unit). set to false to burn things like buildings and
> fade: if true then the fire will die down over time, eventually dying
out. set to false if you want it to keep burning. (affected by rain too).
To make a gamelogic named mygamelogic burn forever with a big fire:
PVDZ_obj_Fire=[_ent,10,time,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn

This is what it needs to be
    // Rewriten by Soul from DayZ2017 to work with DayZ1.7.7.1
    // Special thanks to reactortrip for bringing this up
    // Krixes for the countdown timer example in his sleep script ;D
    // The whole community for releasing all there scripts and so enabling me to learn alot!
    //Variables ------------------------------------------------
        _ent = _this select 3; //Dont touch this
        _countDownTimer = 60; //Total time to count down, makes the tent burn for 60 seconds. Change to whatever you like...
        _timeLeft = _countDownTimer; //time left to count down, dont touch this
        canAbort = true;
    player removeAction s_player_igniteTent;
    s_player_igniteTent = -1;
    player playActionNow "Medic";
    sleep 7;
    _objectID = _ent getVariable["ObjectID","0"];
    _objectUID = _ent getVariable["ObjectUID","0"];
    PVDZ_obj_Fire = [_ent,2,time,false,true];
    publicVariable "PVDZ_obj_Fire";
    _id = PVDZ_obj_Fire spawn BIS_Effects_Burn;
    for "_i" from 0 to _countDownTimer do {
    sleep 1;
    _timeLeft = _timeLeft - 1;
    if(_timeLeft == 0 || _timeLeft < 0) then {
    _ent setDamage 2;
    //Deleting from database. Function found in player_packTent.sqf
    PVDZ_obj_Delete = [_objectID,_objectUID];
    publicVariableServer "PVDZ_obj_Delete";
    if (isServer) then {
        PVDZ_obj_Delete call server_deleteObj;
    deleteVehicle _ent;
How to use: PVDZ_obj_Fire = [_ent,5,time,false,true];
> handle=[unit,intensity,time,lifecheck,fade] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn
> unit: the name of the object that the fire will be attached to
> intensity: the intensity of the fire. Recommended to use values between
> 0.7 and 10, higher values may be used if desired though.
> time: the time that the fire started. use global variable "time". this is used to keep effects synced for JIP players
> lifecheck: if this is true then the unit will only burn as long as it is dead (!alive unit). set to false to burn things like buildings and
> fade: if true then the fire will die down over time, eventually dying
out. set to false if you want it to keep burning. (affected by rain too).
To make a gamelogic named mygamelogic burn forever with a big fire:
PVDZ_obj_Fire=[_ent,10,time,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn
Awesome! Thanks for the help Spectre! Everything is working as it should be. I only have smoke now from my tent, no fire. I've been looking through the DayZ code for the actual script that calls out the fire _sfx but I can't find it anywhere. I was going to add something like _sfx "bandage" to the initial action of setting the fire, and then add _sfx "?fire?" to the actual tent ignite script. Any ideas on what the SFX name would be for the burning sound?
PVDZ_obj_Fire = [_ent,2,time,false,true];

play around with the number value in that statement
it goes from 0 - 10, 10 being a huge fire and smoke plume
and 0 being barely any smoke
For things like sound effects all any of us can do is google google and more google, there are people who have things like that memorized but unless you are one of those people google is your best friend. There is always the option of making your own sounds as well, which again google is your best friend in that case. I don't think I said anything dumb here but I always say this just in case, I'm drunk right now so forgive any idiocy in this post.
PVDZ_obj_Fire = [_ent,2,time,false,true];

play around with the number value in that statement
it goes from 0 - 10, 10 being a huge fire and smoke plume
and 0 being barely any smoke

Here is the code I am currently using. It looks to me like I already have that line in my Tent Ignite file.
player removeAction s_player_igniteTent;
    s_player_igniteTent = -1;
    player playActionNow "Medic";
    sleep 7;
    _objectID = _ent getVariable["ObjectID","0"];
    _objectUID = _ent getVariable["ObjectUID","0"];
    PVDZ_obj_Fire = [_ent,2,time,false,true];
    publicVariable "PVDZ_obj_Fire";
    _id = PVDZ_obj_Fire spawn BIS_Effects_Burn;
    for "_i" from 0 to _countDownTimer do {
    sleep 1;
    _timeLeft = _timeLeft - 1;
    if(_timeLeft == 0 || _timeLeft < 0) then {
    _ent setDamage 2;
For things like sound effects all any of us can do is google google and more google, there are people who have things like that memorized but unless you are one of those people google is your best friend. There is always the option of making your own sounds as well, which again google is your best friend in that case. I don't think I said anything dumb here but I always say this just in case, I'm drunk right now so forgive any idiocy in this post.
Thanks for the help Spectre. I'll do as much googlesearch as possible.