Takistan Loot


Well-Known Member
I've been rebuilding and scripting Takistan in an attempt to make it a bit more interesting (see link in sig for details), and am stuck on custom loot tables. I know they work on this map, I've seen it on other Takistan servers, but nothing I've tried has worked. The newer tutorials I've found don't work with the old DayZ code in Takistan.

I've also tried putting cfgLoot.hpp into dayz_mission root and adding to description.ext -

#include "cfgLoot.hpp"

But that didn't work either. Anyone know how to do this? It seems like much of this map circumvents the standard configs and variables, as if it's hard coded.

Thanks for your help.
Ok I've finally located CfgBuildingLoot in the old Takistan code, it isn't in its own file, it's in config.cpp. I don't know of a way to get to that file, is it possible to break out the CfgBuildingLoot class into an .hpp and include it in the mission pbo?

I tried doing that but froze the server, so if anyone knows the magic involved, pls let me know. Thanks.