Tank kind of spoiled it for me


New Member
Found a tank. Disregarding the stuff I found in the tank, the tank itself kinda ruined this mod for me. My friend and I just drove around without a care in the world. Why did you drastically reduce weapons, vehicles, and food, yet put in a freaking tank? It was also the only vehicle we found.

I was looking forward to a difficult experience, but I got a tank. A TANK. I know the cannon doesn't work, but it squishes like a champ. I don't think it's cute or fun, it just feels really out of place.
I see your point. Its certainly had a mixed reception. Perhaps I will make it much more rare and reduce the speed even more. I can also change its destructive capabilities.
Ya the tank is tricky, I kinda like the idea but it's probably hard to balance it right, should be useful but not overpowered at the same time.
And it's also quite obnoxious with it's sound traveling half (more?) the map. :eek:
Make the fuel use much more on it, and also add additional water to be used on it for radiator or such making it much harder to maintain.