Taviana 2.0 Custom Loadouts


ok so last night i made a breakthrough with Custom Loadouts for unique ID's on taviana 2.0 (dayz.st)

So all i did was replace the server_playerLogin.sqf with this one

//Set Variables
diag_log ("STARTING LOGIN: " + str(_this));
_playerID = _this select 0;
_playerObj = _this select 1;
_playerName = name _playerObj;
_worldspace = [];
if (count _this > 2) then {
    dayz_players = dayz_players - [_this select 2];
_inventory =    [];
_backpack =    [];
_items =        [];
_magazines =    [];
_weapons =        [];
_medicalStats =    [];
_survival =        [0,0,0];
_tent =            [];
_state =        [];
_direction =    0;
_model =        "";
_newUnit =        objNull;
if (_playerID == "") then {
    _playerID = getPlayerUID _playerObj;
if ((_playerID == "") or (isNil "_playerID")) exitWith {
    diag_log ("LOGIN FAILED: Player [" + _playerName + "] has no login ID");
// Make Players Wait 60 if Alt F4 Bot detected
if (_playerID in botPlayers) then {
    botPlayers = botPlayers - [_playerID];
diag_log ("LOGIN ATTEMPT: " + str(_playerID) + " " + _playerName);
_key = format["CHILD:101:%1:%2:%3:",_playerID,dayZ_instance,_playerName];
_primary = [_key,false,dayZ_hivePipeAuth] call server_hiveReadWrite;
if (isNull _playerObj or !isPlayer _playerObj) exitWith {
    diag_log ("LOGIN RESULT: Exiting, player object null: " + str(_playerObj));
if ((_primary select 0) == "ERROR") exitWith {
    diag_log format ["LOGIN RESULT: Exiting, failed to load _primary: %1 for player: %2 ",_primary,_playerID];
//Process request
_newPlayer  = _primary select 1;
//_isNew      = count _primary < 6;
_isNew = count (_primary select 3) == 0;
_charID    = _primary select 2;
_randomSpot = false;
_hiveVer    = 0;
//Set character variables
_inventory = _primary select 4;
_backpack  = _primary select 5;
_survival  = _primary select 6;
_model    = _primary select 7;
_hiveVer  = _primary select 8;
// Check custom inventory for new characters
if (_model == "") then {
    _key = format["CHILD:999:select replace(cl.`inventory`, '""', '""""') inventory, replace(cl.`backpack`, '""', '""""') backpack, replace(coalesce(cl.`model`, 'Survivor2_DZ'), '""', '""""') model from `cust_loadout` cl join `cust_loadout_profile` clp on clp.`cust_loadout_id` = cl.`id` where clp.`unique_id` = '?':[%1]:",str(_playerID)];
    _data = "HiveEXT" callExtension _key;
    //Process result
    _result = call compile format ["%1", _data];
    _status = _result select 0;
    if (_status == "CustomStreamStart") then {
        if ((_result select 1) > 0) then {
            _data = "HiveEXT" callExtension _key;
            _result = call compile format ["%1", _data];
            _inventory = call compile (_result select 0);
            _backpack = call compile (_result select 1);
            _model = call compile (_result select 2);
            _isNew = false;
if (!(_model in ["SurvivorW2_DZ","Survivor2_DZ","Survivor3_DZ","Sniper1_DZ","Soldier1_DZ","Camo1_DZ","Bandit1_DZ","BanditW1_DZ","Rocket_DZ"])) then {
    _model = "Survivor2_DZ";
diag_log ("LOGIN LOADED: " + str(_playerObj) + " Type: " + (typeOf _playerObj));
_isHiveOk = false;
if (_hiveVer >= dayz_hiveVersionNo) then {
    _isHiveOk = true;
_clientID = owner _playerObj;
dayzPlayerLogin = [_charID,_inventory,_backpack,_survival,_isNew,dayz_versionNo,_model,_isHiveOk,_newPlayer];
_clientID publicVariableClient "dayzPlayerLogin";
//_playerObj enableSimulation false;

Please note that there is anti combat logging mod on line 39

// Make Players Wait 60 if Alt F4 Bot detected
if (_playerID in botPlayers) then {
botPlayers = botPlayers - [_playerID];

but i don't see why you can't just take that ^ bit out.

As I was editing late last night i don't think I edited the servercleanup as it seems to be the same as the previous mod i did but i'll put it on anyway.

The main thing that is different and i that i had to put in was right after
  _backpack = call compile (_result select 1);
            _model = call compile (_result select 2);
_isNew = false;
so it looks like
  if (_status == "CustomStreamStart") then {
        if ((_result select 1) > 0) then {
            _data = "HiveEXT" callExtension _key;
            _result = call compile format ["%1", _data];
            _inventory = call compile (_result select 0);
            _backpack = call compile (_result select 1);
            _model = call compile (_result select 2);
            _isNew = false; //the newly added line

Also i messed up the custom loadout in the database, i ticked the description as null but when i reviewed the video tutorial on how do it, it wasn't ticked.

I've only tested this out on myself at the min with 2 loadouts and they work, the skins only work with the ones in the playerlogin but i'm sure you can put more in (not got time to test that yet)

Here's a list of skins that you could put in (i don't know if some of them have radios so be careful)


So there you go tested and working on my dayz.st server.

This is a quick video tutorial on how to use it kindly done by aviationguy1980

I can only give limited support on this as i've not ran into any issues yet to work out a fix.

Hope it works for you, MAKE BACKUPS BEFORE TRYING THIS and if it breaks your server i'm not responsible.
