Taviana 3.0 Update

Sorry about that, I should have indicated that it would be best to use one of the Tavi versions. You can do the same thing with player_zombieAttack.sqf if you want zeds to attack your players while they are in vehicles. If you do you can use the version I am using:

_unit = _this;
_vehicle = (vehicle player);
_targets = _unit getVariable ["targets",[]];
//if (!(_vehicle in _targets)) exitWith {};
//Do the attack
_move = "ZombieStandingAttack1";
_rnd = 0;
_wound = "";
if (r_player_unconscious && _vehicle == player) then {
    _unit doMove (getPos player);
    _rnd = round(random 4) + 1;
    _move = "ZombieFeed" + str(_rnd);
} else {
    _unit doMove (getPos player);
    _rnd = round(random 9) + 1;
    _move = "ZombieStandingAttack" + str(_rnd);
_dir = [_unit,player] call BIS_Fnc_dirTo;
_unit setDir _dir;
[objNull, _unit, rPlayMove,_move] call RE;
sleep 0.3;
if (_vehicle != player) then {
    _hpList =    _vehicle call vehicle_getHitpoints;
    _hp =        _hpList call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _wound =    getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _vehicle) >> "HitPoints" >> _hp >> "name");
    _damage =    random 0.03;
    _chance =    round(random 12);
    if ((_wound == "Glass1") or (_wound == "Glass2") or (_wound == "Glass3") or (_wound == "Glass4") or (_wound == "Glass5") or (_wound == "Glass6")) then {
    [_unit,"hit",0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
    _strH = "hit_" + (_wound);
    _dam = _vehicle getVariable [_strH,0];
    _total = (_dam + _damage);
        //diag_log ("Hitpoints " +str(_wound) +str(_total));
        //_result = [_vehicle, _wound,_total, _unit,"zombie"] call fnc_usec_damageVehicle;
        //dayzHitV =    [_vehicle,_wound,_total, _unit,"zombie"];
        //publicVariable "dayzHitV";
        if (_total >= 1) then {
            if ((_chance % 4) == 0) then {
                if ((_vehicle isKindOf "ATV_Base_EP1") or (_vehicle isKindOf "Motorcycle")) then { player action ["eject", _vehicle] };
            if (r_player_blood < (r_player_bloodTotal * 0.8)) then {
                    _wound = DAYZ_woundHit call BIS_fnc_selectRandomWeighted;
                } else {
                    _wound = DAYZ_woundHit_ok call BIS_fnc_selectRandomWeighted;
            _damage = 0.9 + random (1.5);
            //diag_log ("START DAM: Player Hit on " + _wound + " for " + str(_damage));
            [player, _wound, _damage, _unit,"zombie"] call fnc_usec_damageHandler;
            //dayzHit =    [player,_wound, _damage, _unit,"zombie"];
            //publicVariable "dayzHit";
            [_unit,"hit",0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak;   
        } else {               
    _result = [_vehicle, _wound,_total, _unit,"zombie"] call fnc_usec_damageVehicle;
    dayzHitV =    [_vehicle,_wound,_total, _unit,"zombie"];
    publicVariable "dayzHitV";
} else {
    //Did he hit?
    if ((_unit distance player) <= 3) then {
        //check LOS
        _tPos = (getPosASL _vehicle);
        _zPos = (getPosASL _unit);
        _inAngle = [_zPos,(getdir _unit),50,_tPos] call fnc_inAngleSector;
        if (_inAngle) then {
            //LOS check
            _cantSee = [_unit,_vehicle] call dayz_losCheck;
            if (!_cantSee) then {
                if (r_player_blood < (r_player_bloodTotal * 0.8)) then {
                    _wound = DAYZ_woundHit call BIS_fnc_selectRandomWeighted;
                } else {
                    _wound = DAYZ_woundHit_ok call BIS_fnc_selectRandomWeighted;
                _damage = 0.4 + random (1.9);
                //diag_log ("START DAM: Player Hit on " + _wound + " for " + str(_damage));
                [player, _wound, _damage, _unit,"zombie"] call fnc_usec_damageHandler;
                //dayzHit =    [player,_wound, _damage, _unit,"zombie"];
                //publicVariable "dayzHit";
                [_unit,"hit",0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
            } else {
                _isZombieInside = [_unit,_building] call fnc_isInsideBuilding;
                if (_isPlayerInside) then {
                    _damage = 0.4 + random (1.9);
                    //diag_log ("START DAM: Player Hit on " + _wound + " for " + str(_damage));
                    [player, _wound, _damage, _unit,"zombie"] call fnc_usec_damageHandler;
                    //dayzHit =    [player,_wound, _damage, _unit,"zombie"];
                    //publicVariable "dayzHit";
                    [_unit,"hit",0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak;   

Just paste the above into a new player_zombieAttack.sqf and exec it from your init as you did your other new .sqf file above.
Not anything I did myself. The above code was written by DayZ mod authors ... I just borrowed it to upgrade Taviana a bit. Also, if it weren't for Joikd and his posts on this forum, I would have had little idea of how to do any of this stuff.
Well I for one was thinking they were working on it in the background, but I have the feeling that's just not the case anymore... I could be wrong, but this has been quite a period of silence, and Hicks does stuff for the Survivor Gamez and no word there either.

Could be that Taviana IS someone's property after all... although it sure would be nice to hear that for sure, or of the team just has other stuff going on or what.

Lack of a response isn't helping anyone.
how hard is it to post a few words and at least let people know whats going on? is it really asking for a lot?
We have been through this before. Zero fucks are given. This is as dead as it can get. Just accept it and move on.
yea i suppose youre right. it would just be nice to at least hear that from hicks rather than hoping they are still working on it. oh well though.
if you want the update your going to have to move to origins there are lots of threads out there on how to do it. im planning on upgradeing some time in the next 2 weeks if it works i will post a link to the thread that i use
Or "DayZero: Podagorsk" for a change if you dont deem the origins lot worthy of your time and attention considering the bearing of their moral compass.
Origins (and their useless EULA is funny) ruined Taviana which is sad cause Taviana is my fav map followed by Lingor and Namalsk.

But we have Tacts build of Taviana so its something... I would like that FPS Killer building to be removed though (the one in Byelov and Sabina and maybe somewhere else) cause going from 90FPS @ 3km view distance to 10FPS cause im looking at it just makes me a sad panda...
Don't give up hope we have Tactical's DayZ Taviana + and I think Scrumbee is bringing Overwatch to Taviana :D
Yeah, once Tact's version is up on commander, hopefully stuff will start falling in place and get a few players on there, i might set up a server once its actually done, even though i have pretty much moved on to Arma 3, the new engine is so superior.
Looks like thanks to sharkking's awesome work and collaboration, work has officially begun on Tavi 3.0 releasing on DZC. (W/ exemplary work from sharkking bringing DayZ Mod in Tavi current)