taxi script please can someone add a tutorial


New Member
i have issue with adding a taxi script to my dayz epoch server can someone add a tutorial step by step please and also add crewed heli from editor
maybe i can help you...
thx for the reply. ok i have this issue. i make a crewed heli with editor alt E, then i get a biedi or sqf file. i make the SQF file like i would add buildings into my server and execVM inside mission.pbo init and in the heli init got the = null [slick1]................ to ref to my script heloGoTo but that dont work. heli fails becouse i have soldiers also inside the mission.sqf to make it crewed and then no chanook show up, if i delete the soldiers and set heli settings to fly the chanook spawns inside server but no crew. so i tryed editor single player then i get a mission.sqm file if you get a heli there it's already crewed if you set it to fly but i cant add that becouse epoch already has a mission.sqm maby i need to add parts from my heli sqm inside the epoch mission sqm but add what lines do i add em etc. oh yeah i run epoch building it sarge AI that is also included in the server. hope you can read this becouse wrong placed . , etc :)
maybe i can help you...

i have a epoch server i dont ask donation for annything. i build stuff for the players for free etc gave em arma vehicles at traders etc build custom camps added side missions name it all for free but i would like to give em also heli taxi/evac
hey i dont mind helping ppl at all. i learned thru free knowledge.. thats never going to be taken away from anyone..
the more you learn, the more you know.. .. anyway if you would like you can meet me on ts..

so you want a taxi script... one question.. do your vehicles disappear when you get inside or look at them? anyway i'll try to write one thru the editor and see what happens..