Tent content


Well-Known Member
How long will loot be saved in a tent with this version? I see in the DB cleanup file something about 8 days. Does this mean content will be wiped after 8 days if no one saves the tent, or will it be deleted in any case after 8 days.

Also, do I need to manually run the different cleanup functions in the DB or will this be done automatically with each server restart?

People are complaining that their tents are empty after after server restarts, but I think this might be because I manually run the cleanup functions (all 3 of them)
the 8 day cleanup is automatic, although it dosent delete the tents inventory.. it just deletes the whole tent.
Install build 1.3
BETA 98220
DayZ 1.7.3, Chernarus

Anyone have an issue with tents disappearing? These are tents that disappear after a server restart.

The way I am currently restarting the server is by manually killing ARMA 2 OA Server.exe and restarting it up through batch/BEC. I also run the pMAIN procedure after each restart and after the server EXE has been killed. Maybe I need to run the pMAIN procedure prior to a restart?

These are tents users have placed and the user has not died yet. They shouldn't disappear after death anyways: We set our tents to last 300 days.

Note: The captcha is messed up. I can't create a new thread :/