Tent log?


Hi! Forgive me if this is in the wrong section.

At our server we have rules that might sound stupid to many of you. We have a RP server, and one of our rules is that camp raiding is not allowed. But ofcourse, that is a pain in the ass to enforce, as there is no apparent "tent log".

My question is: Is it possible to set up a tent logger, that shows when people take stuff from a tent, and also showing who's the owner of the tent? And how would I go about setting that up? Thanks!
In your database go to deployable, find the id number for tent storage. Next go to instance deployable and sort by id. Match with tent, it will tell you the owner and contents. I use this to hide tents for people to find and when theyre empty quick copy and paste to fill them again.
It is not meant for me, but it is meant so that I can check my players tents, and see who has taken stuff from it.