The Tenth NEW Server


The Tenth DayZ server is officially open. The Tenth has been a gaming community for over a decade. One of the reasons for The Tenth’s longevity are its understanding that there are all different types of gamers, those that are looking for different things out of a game, whether they are power gamers, casual gamers, mmo gamers or fps gamers, but the one thing they want though is to have fun. And fun is something that The Tenth knows how to do. How can you go wrong with a community that is famous for its drunk Fridays?
Are you a green recruit, a battle hardened veteran? Come seek your destiny…….
Looking for survivors and bandits for The Tenth’s new Dayz server. We are ever changing the server for the better and will be open to our playerbase for ideas!
What we offer:
1. Community forums
2. Community ventrillo server
3. Active mature admins
4. Server events with rewards
5. Custom loadouts
6. Custom buildings
7. Custom vehicles
8. Wilderness camps
9. Donor rewards
10. 6 hour server restarts
11. Cheating is not tolerated

Server IP:
Server Port: 3204
Loc:Washington, D.C. Diff:Regular Map:Chernarus Slots:50 TZ: 24/7daylight 3DP:On CH:On NP:Off DM:On SC:? PW:No WL:No