This should be a big Post for you guys to comment!


Well-Known Member
Can anyone explain how to make a mod for Arma 2. Like Dayz Breakingpoint or Dayz Overwatch. How were they made? Post link and i will be updating this post to what you guys are saying. Thanks!
I thought of a witty comment about those mods, but I decided to refrain.

On a more serious note, how to make a mod. Well the first thing you need is a great idea. Unfortunately, most mods of late have been seriously lacking in the creativity department. Everyone seems intent on just throwing a heap of weapons and skins into a folder, creating some loot tables, adding some addons from armaholic, loads of other peoples work from this site and bosh....done. Unfortuantely (in my humble opinion), that doesnt bode well for creativity. Quantity does not always mean quality.

Once you have an idea you can start the process of researching how to go about making those ideas a (virtual) reality. Basically addons or "mods" are all based around PBO files, arma's "archive" of files.

Dayz for instance, has an equip PBO, this contains all the models, textures and alike associated with all the gear in DayZ, when you see a tent to pick up, or a main rotor, it's being pulled from that archive. The PBO files are controlled (in most cases to keep this basic) by one or more CONFIG files. These are normally in BIN or CPP format and are used to define functions and classes for items.

A weapon pack for instance will have a config file that defines all the weapons, what ammunition they use, characteristics of the weapon, fire rates, bullet damage, 3D model locations, sounds etc etc etc.

Obviously theirs a whole lot more to making something that just code and good ideas, Artwork, 3D modelling, sounds etc are all talents in themselves, and if like myself your a bit artistically challenged, you might want to find help there.

When you have everything you need, then starts the process of adding it in game, repacking, uploading, testing and generally arsing around for a while to get everything working. Then the long road of testing and alike.

Basic intro to addon making, but I hope you get the point.