[TLL] Taviana | 500+ Vehicles | MP5SD Start Gear | Anti-Hack Enabled | Active Admins | Always Day |


New Member
Server information:

In-game server filter: [TLL]
Server IP:
Server port: 3408
Mods required: @Dayz and @Taviana

Joining the server:

  1. Start DayZ commander
  2. Install Taviana, DayZ and the latest beta patch using DayZ commander
  3. Click on the favorites tab inside DayZ commander
  4. Insert the IP above in above as a favorite and connect to the server

Teamspeak Information:

It's a new server, but I think that's a good thing you can join and help it grow! Add us to your favourites - Join our Teamspeak:tll.ts3dns.com Also visit the TLL Website:Takistanlifeliberation.com