Trader Item additions, need explanation.


New Member
Hi everyone,

Using HeidiSQL with current epoch and arma 2 mod.
The following item has been added to a trader, nice to buy but can't be sold can someone please explain what each line means?
To me it means

8006 - Number in the traders_data
["M4A3_RCO_GL_EP1 ",3] - Item ID name (dont know what the number 3 means at the end)
254 - Items available to buy
[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1] - Cost of item
[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1] - Sale price
0 - No idea
602 - TID
trade_weapons Trader classification.

Obviously in heidiSQL I can just duplicate and item, assign the next number in the traders_data list and change the prices to suit.

but why is it not selling to people?

This is a major issue for the server can someone please check to make sure my data is correct for inputting items into traders, FYI I use no scripts or anything to put it in, just create a new data line or duplicate and change the data to suit.

Is it showing up in the traders and just to be clear can you buy and not sell or can you not do either.

Also is the like this or [2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1] or like this [2,"ItemGoldBar 10oz] with a space between Bar and 10oz :)