trigger a function on the server from the client?


New Member
my first approach was to use compiles.sqf:

if (_dikCode in actionKeys "User19" and (time - dayz_lastCheckBit > 5)) then {
            dayz_lastCheckBit = time;
            diag_log "FGW: User19";

could not find the output in the rpt on the server until i realized this runs on the client, thus i had to look for my output in the rpt on the client!
but i'm looking for executing a function on the server itself. would like to trigger a server_hiveWrite to manually update the hive with some data. but i'm out of ideas for now.

if anybody has an idea come in ....

just in case anybody needs this somewhere:

used a public variable which is then sent to the server.

an eventhandler is calling a script which handles the tasks to be performed.

simple and effective!