UDGGaming DayZ Epoch | Self Bloodbag | Auto Refuel | Roaming AI | Safezone Traders | &More!

Cody Sutcliffe

New Member
This is our first advertisement being posted for this server. I've spent a lot of time in the past week getting it ready. Please come check it out! It's Dayz so I couldn't find a few scripts that I would of liked to add. They will be added soon.

Server IP:

Server Features:​
- Self Bloodbag
- Roaming AI
- Auto Refuel
- Extra Buildings
- Safezone Traders
- Anti-Theft in Trader Zones.
- Salvage Vehicles
- Tow/Heli-Lift & More [Coming Soon]

Server Rules:

- No Bug Exploits, Glitching or Hacking.
- Absolutely No Combat Logging.
- No Luring/Baiting.
- Respect Everyone on the Server!
- Have Fun!