Vehicle bugs


New Member
Hi there,

I just recently created a DayZ private server using Bliss. I've noticed lots of some problems with vehicles, like:

  • Vehicles not respawning after being destroyed, the vehicle (especially helicopters) just vanishes after a server restart, it doesn't spawn in the original spawn location
  • Some vehicles with max health ( = [] and damage=0) being auto repaired when the driver hops of them.
  • Vehicle parts ( not being updated by the server and when trying to save it in game.

Anyone knows a fix for any of this?

If anyone can help me with any of these, i'll be really grateful.

P.S: I'm using the latest version of Bliss Private.
hi :)
there is no official dayz server that respawn veh's without server restart (far as I know)

to fix the part DB update, try this :
hey there :)
try to add
vehicle_handleDamage    = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\vehicle_handleDamage.sqf";
to your dayz.[mapname]\init.sqf
best place is befor
progressLoadingScreen 1.0;
this fixed the rep bug on my server
worked for me

fix the auto repair is a bit harder, seems the veh is losing there event handlers when repaired 100% but i couldnt find the reason yet