Vehicles Wipe out On Restart


New Member
Hey there got everything working in the new package one problem every-time the server restarts nothing from Object_Data shows up in the game also it makes weird duplications with instance id of 1000 any ideas?
Completely updated to the newest package server still wipes out everything on restart NOTHING in the database spawns ingame

Got the same problem, all vehicles are there on server start (after fresh install).
But after the first restart everything is gone, no vehicle ingame anymore.
When you check database (object_data) it seems they are out there, but not really.

'instance' is 1 so thats ok, have no idea how to solve it. Tryed re-installing, only works 1,
time until restart then all happens agian.

Pls help!

Same problem have posted about it before no help! using Bec or manually #Restart doesnot reload the database no way around this as there is no restart on crash with this build needs fixing