Whitelister Ver: 3.0

what errors? some details maybe? :)

i have rename your index.php to regestration.php and make the link to this file. when i go to this page i see:
Notice: Undefined variable: success in .....\registration.php on line 89
Notice: Undefined variable: error in .....\registration.php on line 93
in the registration.php
from line 88 to 98
if ($success) {
<p class="box info top"><?= $success; ?></p>
} elseif ($error) {
<p class="box error top"><?= $error; ?></p>
that is no error, just a "Notice" :D
I guess you have full error reporting enabled so PHP tells you every single notice, warning and error..
anyway you can fix that undefined variable notice with using the PHP function "isset" like tis:

replace the "error" $success with isset($success) and the same with $error to isset($error)
that is no error, just a "Notice" :D
I guess you have full error reporting enabled so PHP tells you every single notice, warning and error..
anyway you can fix that undefined variable notice with using the PHP function "isset" like tis:

replace the "error" $success with isset($success) and the same with $error to isset($error)

if i replace in <p class="box info top"><?= $success; ?></p> to <p class="box info top"><?= isset($success); ?></p> it dosen`t help

if i replace in if ($success) { to if isset($success) {
i get error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'isset' (T_ISSET), expecting '(' in .......\registration.php on line 89
yeah because you did it wrong and not how I've told you lol
I've said replace $success with isset($success) and you did replace ($success) which is different...
so it need to look like this:
if (isset($success)) {
In regards to the interval, is that the time at which ALL users are checked against the whitelist, or does it check each connecting user after that time? I ask because I'd like to allow non-whitelisted player to play on my server for 10 minutes before they get kicked, to give them a feel for the server. If it checks all players in that interval, and I set it to 10 minutes, I might have players that join 8 minutes after the last check and are kicked in 2 minutes, and other players that join just after the last check and play for 10 minutes. Thanks for a wonderful tool!
In regards to the interval, is that the time at which ALL users are checked against the whitelist, or does it check each connecting user after that time? I ask because I'd like to allow non-whitelisted player to play on my server for 10 minutes before they get kicked, to give them a feel for the server. If it checks all players in that interval, and I set it to 10 minutes, I might have players that join 8 minutes after the last check and are kicked in 2 minutes, and other players that join just after the last check and play for 10 minutes. Thanks for a wonderful tool!

If you start WhiteLister at the same time when start you server no.
WhiteLister Lock the server and after full start it get acsses to the sql and unlock your server.
1 GUID = 1 nikename

WhiteLister is Very COOL!! I use it!
The program, is very good thanks!
My only problem is the porgram is shut down when server is restarting. I can use any tool to keep it running?
The program, is very good thanks!
My only problem is the porgram is shut down when server is restarting. I can use any tool to keep it running?
I made the bat file restart.bat
@echo off

set ARMApath=D:\Your game folder\Arma2

timeout 5
echo ARMA main directory is: "%ARMApath%"
echo ARMA BEC directory is: "%ARMApath%%BECpath%"
cd /d "%ARMApath%"
echo Switched to ArmA 2 main directory:
echo %CD%
echo Killing current running server ...
taskkill /IM arma2oaserver.exe
taskkill /IM Bec.exe
taskkill /IM DaRT.exe
taskkill /IM Whitelister.exe

if not "%externalbat%" == "0" (start %externalbat%)
goto start

timeout 10
echo Starting server again ...
@start DayZ_Epoch_instance_11_Chernarus.bat
@start BEC.bat
@start dart.bat
@start WhiteLister_epoch.bat
Hi. Whitelister 3.0 does not check players. Log:

Connecting please wait...
Starting setLoginData...
Starting connectClient...
Unlocking Server.
Starting checkPlayers...

Players join the server, but in the console nothing is written. Checked config.txt and BEServer.cfg, everything is fine. Need help.