zombieproof.nl - Taviana - Endgame zone / self BB / Repair / Active admins


New Member
We just setup this server over the past few days, since we were not satisfied with the existing active Taviana servers out there.

Server IP:

Main features:
- Endgame zone (one location where you get m107/mk48/soldier uniforms)
- Self Bloodbag
- Vehicle repair
- 500 vehicles (including vodnik with gun turrets)
- custom starter gear (mp5, painkiller, gps)
- Heli crash sites
- Active admins

We are mainly looking forward to testing the endgame zone, we hope the loot will draw people to this island and fight for the best gear ingame.

We have focused on customizing the server, teamspeak will be available soon.
I will update this thread when it is ready.

Any requests for additional features or modifications can be posted here, we are very willing to take requests.

Hope to see you soon!
We've just finished adding custom buildings.

We'll be working on a trailer to show you our back story.

The story so far:

After the fall of Chernarus the army retreated to an island group called Taviana.
But after a couple of weeks of evacuations the inevitable happend, the infection spread to the islands.

Desperate, the army retreated further to the island of Knin, the only place now that still receives regular supply drops.
An elite team of soldiers was formed, the Zombieproof Squad. Their mission is to evacuate and protect the last remaining survivors on Taviana.
They fight zombies and bandits, and help people to get to Knin.

But will Knin remain a safe haven? Or will it be overrun by zombies? Or will bandits take over and cut of the rest of the island from high end loot?

Find out for yourselfs, on the Zombieproof Taviana server!
We will be extending the offer above to this weekend as well.
The custom skin is a camo skin with a balaclava!

We had 20 guys competing for the loot at Knin island last weekend, and it was awesome.
Join us for even more post apocalyptic chaos!