Zombies attacking players in vehicles ...


Well-Known Member
Not sure if anyone is interested, however I for one have been anxiously awaiting Taviana.com updated to the new DayZ code. So I decided to see if I could make zombies attack players in vehicles on my Taviana.com server which of course runs I did achieve that, and it was much easier to do than I had imagined.

All you have to do is create a player_zombieAttack.sqf in your unpacked server mission PBO fixes folder, and then copy and paste the code from the player_zombieAttack.sqf found in the DayZ code PBO for any DayZ mod you have in your Arma 2 folder that has been updated to or greater. After testing, I found that the code from Taviana.eu seems to work best. Then all you do is place a code hook in your server mission PBO init file. I used the following method which works well:

// (Taviana) Instead, call a copy of the DayZ compiles:
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\kh\dayztaviana\init\compiles.sqf"; //Compile regular functions
player_zombieAttack = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\player_zombieAttack.sqf";

Now, if I could get Joikd's zombie spawn code to work properly without negatively effecting other aspects of server function, I'd be set.
I'm kind of looking for the opposite of this. I thought I'd seen a thread floating about which was looking at stopping zombies being able to attack you inside a vehicle, but the search result turned up no answers.

Is there a way I could use the same tactic to reference an older version? Or, download an older version and disassemble the DayZ code from it? This is for Panthera specifically (if that makes a difference).
http://opendayz.net/threads/disable-zombie-attack-while-in-cars.9151/ This is one option.

You could try trading the content of the Taviana 2.0 player_zombieAttack.sqf with the content of the same file that Panthera uses. Then call that new player_zombieAttack.sqf you made from your server mission init. Just a suggestion due to Tavi 2.0 being the only current mod I am aware of that uses code in which zombies do not attack players in vehicles. Or you could roll Panthera back to an earlier version and use the code from that player_zombieAttack.sqf. I think that would work better.