Infistar and profileNamespace issues..

I think something is borked . since playing around with these namespaces etc , I notice that the DZMS config file isn't being called anymore. The AI have rocket launchers , which I've disabled in the config. So I'm just going through trying to figure out what has broken. I've gone right back to a build before I started playing with profilenamespaces and it's still the same (i.e not using any custom code with the AIkill script). Can't pin down when this started either.. lol

All looks normal in the logs (you know it's going to be one of those days lol):

15:54:44 [DZMS]: DZAI Found! Using DZAI's Relations!
15:54:44 [DZMS]: Currently Running Version: 1.1FIN
15:54:44 [DZMS]: Mission and Extended Configuration Loaded!
15:54:44 [DZMS]: lingor Detected. Map Specific Settings Adjusted!
15:54:44 [DZMS]: DayZ Epoch Detected! Some Scripts Adjusted!
15:54:44 [DZMS]: Loading ExecVM Functions.
15:54:44 [DZMS]: Loading Compiled Functions.
15:54:44 [DZMS]: Loading All Other Functions.
15:54:44 [DZMS]: Mission Functions Script Loaded!
15:54:44 [DZMS]: Minor Mission Clock Starting!
15:54:44 [DZMS]: Mission Marker Loop for JIPs Starting!

Edit: and the winner is....

18:24:59 Error in expression < _player getVariable "myFactionAI";
if (_faction == "BANDIT") then {
_humanity =>
18:24:59   Error position: <_faction == "BANDIT") then {
_humanity =>
18:24:59   Error Undefined variable in expression: _faction

The variable is set, I've got a local debug running and it's getting the results. Just seems that the server isn't ?

This is in my init.sqf, it works for the zombie kill humanity and even for the badge in the GUI. The zombie kills are dealt with locally with a custom killscript .. fyi.
myFaction = profileNamespace getVariable "Faction"; //Set in my variables file with all the other variables!
    switch true do
     case (myFaction == "BANDIT"):{player setVariable ["myFactionAI","BANDIT"]};
    case (myFaction == "HERO"):{player setVariable ["myFactionAI","HERO"]}; 
    player setVariable ["myFactionAI","HERO"];

object setvariable [var,value,public];

case (myFaction == "BANDIT"):{player setVariable ["myFactionAI","BANDIT",true]};
    case (myFaction == "HERO"):{player setVariable ["myFactionAI","HERO",true]}; 
Thank you. I learnt something new today, I mean this has really helped me understand a lot. Can't thank you enough for being cool with your replies and helping me learn something along the way :) I owe you one :)
8:35:33 [DZMS]: Debug: Unit killed by B 1-1-B:1 (Hayward) REMOTE at 027053. Faction: BANDIT

Works flawlessly , thanks again for your help Inkko.
8:35:33 [DZMS]: Debug: Unit killed by B 1-1-B:1 (Hayward) REMOTE at 027053. Faction: BANDIT

Works flawlessly , thanks again for your help Inkko.

No problem, helped me out as well cause I've always thought about making DZMS have hero and bandit missions so got me thinking about that.
What I wanted to do for missions was create a single mission with separate win situations for Hero and bandits so they would be directly competing with each other. Like "save the hostage" for heros and they get rewarded, but at the same time the bandit version of that mission would be "stop hero from saving hostage" ...
No problem, helped me out as well cause I've always thought about making DZMS have hero and bandit missions so got me thinking about that.

This is a great feature for low populated servers that are just starting up (like mine). You obviously get players that really want to be bandits, but don't get the opportunity to gain negative humanity due to limited victims :p . So this new addition to my server has really changed the dynamics, I've seen several players so far spend more time killing zombies and AI and not complaining so much about not many players on.. haha!

Until yesterday there was no chance of anyone on my server getting to trade with the Bandit trader, as reaching that level was tough due to positive humanity for AI and zed kills. Since adding this script I've seen people racing towards the bandit level 1 mark :) it's epic :D
What I wanted to do for missions was create a single mission with separate win situations for Hero and bandits so they would be directly competing with each other. Like "save the hostage" for heros and they get rewarded, but at the same time the bandit version of that mission would be "stop hero from saving hostage" ...

I used to do this on my old server:
Make a mission for bandits to help bandit AI defend a base.
When bandits enter the area they are set to Captive, so the AI don't shoot them.
If the player bandit try to cheat and kill any of the AI , the kill script would switch off the setCaptive (muhaha).
The defending timer started the minute any player entered the area.

The only thing I couldn't figure out was how to give different prizes for the hero defeating the base or the bandits defending it. I figured i'd have to count the players in range and give a prize based on more bandit survivors than heros for example. But until recently that was well beyond my coding skills :D

EDIT: But you've given me an idea for my server again. If I get it working I'll share the script.