Recent content by dayz10000

  1. D

    RPT Spam []

    btw there is more added in that eliminates the huge spam from dayz_code about vehicles spawning and vehicle damage monitoring. I noticed that my ~120 vehicles could generate up to 1800 lines as it parsed and logged all the vehicle part damage on restart
  2. D

    RPT Spam []

    yay someone using one of the changes i made in :p got tired of having spam in my logs when i know stuff is working. Let me know if there are any more changes or "filters" to the logging you'd like to see and I'll incorporate it to the next patch. just a friendly reminder: "OBJECTS"...
  3. D

    Ignite Tent

    it is...port from 2017 and leave some credit for shinkicker
  4. D

    Dayzmod V1.7.7

    this is antiTP--comment this out, too "PVDZ_sec_atp" addPublicVariableEventHandler { diag_log format["%1", _this select 1];};
  5. D

    Dayzmod V1.7.7

    if you're getting debug parties, comment out the antiTP in mission file (known issue, already logged with community Devs)
  6. D

    Adding a block for voice over side?

    just add that as a replacement in the mission side compiles.sqf?
  7. D

    Dayzmod V1.7.7

    and afaik has not been made compatible with Reality yet. it does require updates to the server PBO which havent been done
  8. D

    Dayzmod V1.7.7

    buildings package was bugged...reported to thevisad and he should be fixing soon.
  9. D

    Dayzmod V1.7.7

    just pick the server_monitor file from whatever package (building or vanilla) from my git under 1761 until thevisad updates his git
  10. D

    Dayzmod V1.7.7

    server_monitor files are fucked up use the proper server_monitor files from my git under 1761 folders (not 177---i know) until thevisad can update (ive told him) the problem is hes using an old server_monitor that...
  11. D

    Unbanned weapon & skin list for 1.7.7

    they are being unbanned in the SUV will have a new class name (SUV_DZ)
  12. D

    Error in mpeventhandler #8

    link your mpeventhandler.txt and remoteexec.txt
  13. D

    1.7.7: Retrying authentication loop

    any RPT logs to provide?
  14. D

    Deleting and respawning specific vehicles at each restart

    as part of my vehicle reset .bat I have a SQL script that resets some buses, bikes, and a "storage ural" (at a trading post area) to their spawn locations, with fully fixed parts and 0 damage. just have this run before you relaunch the server
  15. D

    Blood bags in 1.7.7

    5 "titleText" !",\"titleText\"," in publicvariableval