Recent content by Phenom

  1. P

    Discussion Thread

    I'm actually happy with it being locked to modding, private hive thing we only ever did due to the speed issues so if they've fixed that all up then I am a happy chappy, less mods = less work for me ;) and in theory should mean better security. Can't wait to run a DayZ standalone instance, but...
  2. P

    DayZ 2017 Namalsk: A few screenshots :-)

    Might have to give this a go, loved Namalsk and only dropped it as we had no one to maintain the dayz instances
  3. P

    Major Lag & AI improvements possibility

    Only cost for me is the $15 for the lic, though will this then use up player slots on the server?
  4. P

    Can't Anyone Else Make 3.0?

    I was going to reply, heck even typed it out but I will give up like most of the others have.
  5. P

    Can't Anyone Else Make 3.0?

    Unless your Arab friend buys BI then Martin has no right to anything he creates using the BI tools, it belongs to BI. I can provide you with a perfect example of how this works in the real world... At my work we spend millions each year developing additional functionality for GIS systems...
  6. P

    aussie server

    Aussie server? not unless Singapore somehow attached itself to Australia in the past few days. You do realise most people in AU get routed through Japan or USA/Japan to get to Singapore unless their ISP has capacity on SEA-ME-WE-3.
  7. P

    Arma 3 AntiHax - Pastebin

    I actually thought it was someone that took monkeys work and tried to get it working in Arma 3, there's definitely his code in there. Ebay, take the attached script, and make your own modified version, modify the variables, add in additional directory/global var scans, just visit the cheat...
  8. P

    Arma 3 AntiHax - Pastebin

    The initial version worked, albeit with a few bugs. Arma 3 is an alpha release and when they release updates it has the potential to break things. I then updated the post with the modifications required to get it working again. I will repost that, remove the following code from the attached...
  9. P

    Arma 3 AntiHax - Pastebin

    If you got it to work then why are you messaging me asking for my version? you can always post your working version for others to use a long with detailed instructions on how to implement it...
  10. P

    Arma 3 AntiHax - Pastebin

    You'd want to remove this... to at least get it working after the recent update. waitUntil { !(isNil "BIS_initMultiplayer_initServer") }; You'd likely want to clean up the stuff that's not applicable, fix up the errors in the logging, directory scanning to actually scan and kick people...
  11. P

    Arma 3 AntiHax - Pastebin

    You need to modify it after the update, you should be able to work out what needs to be done easily enough just by reading the script. I've spent the past two days redoing most of it, I don't know who put it together but it just looks like someones cut/pasted bits from other scripts like...
  12. P

    Arma 3 AntiHax - Pastebin

    Yes it works but it's really not very good, easy to bypass so you'll have to modify it to suit. I guess it's a start and will keep out most of the people that download/run scripts.
  13. P

    Arma 3 AntiHax - Pastebin

    Came across this on pastebin, not sure whos it is but it looks like monkeys work for the most part. Instructions: Place the attached antihack.sqf in the root folder of your server Add this to the bottom of init.sqf in your MPMissions file: if (isServer) then { [] execVM "antihack.sqf"...
  14. P

    Arma 3 server requirements?

    Well I setup my instance a week ago, generally runs full @ 64 people (did have it at 65 but crashed more) haven't managed to max out the CPU but I will say it prefers one core just like arma2 does, it will sometimes use the others but not how you'd expect. Memory is nothing, even with maxmem...
  15. P

    [Need help] Copy pasting a server.

    Sounds to me like you want to go rip someones server off, if you have access to the first server (the popular one) and you set that up I am a little lost how you couldn't manage to set up a second one.