Recent content by sschwarz25

  1. S

    Heli Lift Script

    Sorry, Since 1.7.7 broke all my mods and mods of others I was using, and my servers all went to hell, then all the players started acting like assholes about it, I said fuck DayZ, and fuck the players who I volunteer for lol. Deleted everything that day and walked away. I have no clue how to...
  2. S

    Got an odd issue...

  3. S

    Got an odd issue...

    When logging in, it takes forever for the game to "Loading Character Data"...Then it says Something went wrong, please disconnect and try again." The weird part...nothing in .RPT and even weirder, you still log into the game...just takes a minute.
  4. S

    HALO Jump On Spawn! - Tutorial

    Sorry to dash hopes, but for anyone thinking logging in and out, and restarting your server repeatedly, is the's not. That is not how coding works. It is either going to work, or not work. It is not mechanics...things aren't going to run better after you lube them up and get them...
  5. S

    Heli Lift Script

    Hey guys, if you need help, contact me on skype. just search sschwarz25, I have had plenty people reach me this way. However, please do not ask me for my PBO's. I will teach you, not give you my files.
  6. S

    Couple of new ideas

    RMod completely serverside, so client doesn't need any additions....not really sure if this would work, something I am going to look into. 3 Toilet Papers - Make a bandage Razors - Kill yourself.... useful at dire moments. Would also like to fix the damn tents.
  7. S

    HALO Jumps for dayz

    It still does not work properly. if you log out, you will log back in completely fresh. That is no fun at all. Need to find this last fix. Currently, my server is having a slight issue with people spawning in all sorts of broken, knocked out, or unable to interact with objects, so I am on...
  8. S

    Help with .rpt error messege.

    }; } forEach _msgList;> 20:15:03 Error position: <_msgList;> 20:15:03 Error Undefined variable in expression: _msglist 20:15:03 Error in expression <oad, _interval, time]]; }; This is in my .rpt about 5 times per second. No idea where this might be coming from, but it is clogging it up...
  9. S

    HALO Jumps for dayz

    That is exactly what I had to do.
  10. S

    Having trouble with R3F on server side..

    //R3F execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf"; if (!isDedicated) then { //Conduct map operations 0 fadeSound 0; waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_loadScreenMsg"}; dayz_loadScreenMsg = (localize "STR_AUTHENTICATING"); //Run the player monitor _id = player addEventHandler...
  11. S

    Having trouble with R3F on server side..

    Oh, and I had to disable your custom load screen in the description.ext for the mission.pbo to work on my server.
  12. S

    Having trouble with R3F on server side..

    Here is the new PBO. I tested it on my test server, and it works just dandy. I changed the init.sqf line. And, I set it to my instance. You will need to change your instance. That should be it.
  13. S

    DayZ Admin tools

    Not a problem :)
  14. S

    Anyone else with this spawn problem?

    No. The one in your @dayz folder is not the real one. it is a player_monitor.sqf that refers you back to the server side dayz_code\player_monitor.FSM