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    Anyone know how to remove bots (Sarge AI 1.5) of safezones?

    any news here? I would like to kill Ai in the safezones, because I don´t like it that they steal cars there
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    Vampire's Russian Roulette [Support&Discussion]

    Hi, I like your idee :D But I have a question, it is possible to add the animation that the player holds the weapon on his head? I found this animation in the suicide script: player playmove "ActsPercMstpSnonWpstDnon_suicide1B";
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    dayZ (arma) AI Controlled Bus Route.

    I had the same problem, my way to fix it: Open init_bus, I change this: _axeBusUnit = objNull; _axeBusGroup = createGroup WEST; _axeBuspawnpos = [13128.2,10381.9,0]; _unitpos = [13125.2,10416,0]; _axeBusWPradius = 2;//waypoint radius...
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    Make a Infobox

    Thank you, I have allready found it, but I´m not sure how to change the things in it, I hoped to find something like a description about these boxes, because I don´t have much expericence in scripting and there are so much things in the hpp file of the trader menu.
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    Make a Infobox

    Hi everyone, first of all sorry for my english, I am not good in writing in english. I search for a script/the name off a thing to make the script. I would like to make a option on the mouse wheel "Infos" (thats no problem) and when you click it a "box" opens. With "box" I mean a box like in the...
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    [RELEASE] Epoch Christmas Special

    Epoch Christmas Special (Alpha) --> Add snow --> Add snow in Trader Citys --> Add music intro --> Add music in Trader citys --> Add loading screen (4 different) Requirements: - a Text Editor, pbo manager (Easy = Blue <10) Installation: There is a german and a english read me...
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    Some of my Bases

    7. Base, "Händlerbase", Kordinaten: 080/054 I built this base for my traders, there are two versions, one time with NPCs and one without. The NPCs are peaceful and perform certain animations (2 dancing,2 walking around , ...) and they can´t be killed. The right music is called by a trigger...
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    Some of my Bases

    6. Base, Otmel, Friedhof Special: Nearly everything. You can see, that the people tried to bury their deads, but after some time they just burns them. There are a lot of Zombies, the church is a bit destroyed you can hear the howl of the wolfs at night, it´s realy creppy, their are burning...
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    Some of my Bases

    First of all sorry for my realy bad english. I try my best^^ I would like to show you some of my Bases, feel free to use it :) First of all some Notes: 1. I use the rmod 2.1 if you don´t use it, you have to remove the rmod things (I did not test it!) 2. I only use the 2d Editor, so I just...